Standing fully clothed in front of the mirror his brows furrowed.  He looked okay, he had hoped for a bit more attractive look, but he looked more fuzzy and warm in his shirt than handsome. Shrugging, he knew he didn't have time to change, especially not when he couldn't find anything inside his closet, and with a little struggle managed to get the subtle jewlery on his wrist. One of them was Yoongi's first birthday gift for him. He still remembered very clearly how happy Yoongi had looked when he told him he loved the bracelet. They hadn't been friends for that long back then, so the elder had been very unsure on what to give him, or so he said. He had looked so nervous as the brunette opened the gift, so he didn't doubt the elders sincerity. Shuffling his hair a bit about as it dried, he went on till he was satisfied and slowly made it out of the warmth of the steamy bathroom to sit at the couch and wait for the elder. Nervously playing with the hem of his shirt and eventually playing a bit on his phone, he waited till finally heard Yoongi come home. It was a bit weird, being involved with each other and also live together. Especially as they hadn't specified what they were yet. The younger would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit scared of how it would all pan out. What if it didn't work out, they got angry at each other, or something else bad happened? Then he would have to find a new place to live, and maybe leave Yoongi behind. But he couldn't help but to be hopeful. Maybe it would all work out? It was after all Yoongi who had asked him out so their feelings had to be somewhat mutual.

The elder made it into the room as Jungkook stood up from the couch. 

"Hi" he said softly with a warm smile covering his features. His deep voice travelled through the air to the younger who yet again wondered how such a small guy had such a deep and nice voice. The ravenettes eyes quickly travelled down the youngers body and up again and he had to admit, he liked what he saw. "Are you ready?" he asked, now with a small grin as the younger had surely caught him very openly checking him out, and a soft blush coloured his cheeks. Nodding, he made it towards Yoongi who was still in full outdoor clothing, and send him a bashful smile that the elder returned and moved to the side so the younger could put on his jacket and shoes. He tried not to look too much when the younger bended down to tie his laces, he may or may not have succeeded.

They sat in Yoongi's car, chattering softly both shooting each other subtle glances when they thought the other wasn't looking. Jungkook knew he was oddly silent, but his whole body was tingling with nerves, and breath caught in his throat as he thought about the fact that he was going on a date with Yoongi. His Yoongi. A date. The elder didn't point it out so he guessed he was okay with it or maybe even understood. He was glad the radio was playing so any awkward silence was filled with soft music instead. But in the end his curiosity got the best of him. It had been nagging him the whole time and they had already driven for fifteen minutes, the elder didn't even look like they were close to their destination.

"Okay, where are we going?" he asked, a playful irritation snuck into his voice, resulting from the fact that elder hadn't told him. Not wavering his eyes from the road Yoongi just grinned. "It's a suprise Kooks, and it's supposed to stay like that. Haven't told you all week, wont tell you now when there's only thirty minutes till we reach it".

Sighing dramatically, the younger looked out his window. Until he realised he had actually gotten something out of Yoongi. It was about a forty-five minute drive, and Yoongi knew the way well since he didn't have the GPS turned on. Yet, even after quietly trying to figure out what was going on for two minutes or so, he gave up.

"I have no clue and I'm scared I didn't dress accordingly" he huffed, and send Yoongi another playfully annoyed look, hoping that would get him more information as the radio played lowly in the background. Yet, evidently some of his actual concern shone through the playful facade, and the ravenettes hand suddenly laid on his thigh and gave it a soft squeeze. 

"You look great Jungkook" he said with a soft seriousity, letting the words hang in the air for a bit, levitating before the younger, and Jungkook felt a little reassured. "I didn't even know you owned that shirt though" he added lightheartedly, surely trying to brighten up the mood a bit. "You should wear it more often, it looks good on you" and the younger ashamed turned his gaze down blushing. "Come ooooon Kooks, stop being so damn cute" the elder whined, and laughed as that just caused the brunettes red cheeks to deepen into an even darker shade. "You're embarrased?" he teased wiggeling his eyebrows and the younger let out an offended huff. "Yeah and if you keep complimenting me my head might soon contain all my damn blood" he muttered, still not letting them get eyecontact. To that Yoongi just laughed gleefully, the sound eccoing of the sides in the small vehicle and put his hand back on the wheel, and Jungkook watched how his pale skin on his wrists contrasted to the black ink that was engraved in it as his jacket sleeves crawled a bit up. "At least I know they are working" he said with a broad smile, as he finally looked into the youngers eyes.

"They sure do" Jungkook just answered still brightly red.  And smiled bashfully, but happily back.

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