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Okay, he had maybe wanted to hit the younger, the feeling of anger had built up to the point where the only possibility was to do something else that was destructive. And he ended up slamming the tall shiny-black drawer beside him - the bowl full of junk that Jungkook kept on it creating a loud jingle-like sound of spare keys and coins clattering together. Even though the day had already been filled with bad surprises, another one hit him when the younger legit fell to the ground with a deep thump, now full on sobbing, curling himself into the tiniest ball his big frame would allow him. With that, all the previous anger that had been flowing fiercely through Yoongi's veins quickly vanished and turned into guilt. A big overpowering guilt, that felt like it was going to strangle him at any moment, drawing breaths seemed harder as he watched the boy before him. He had wanted to argue with the younger, not cause an actual breakdown.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, please just get up now", he hectically spoke. While the comment was meant to be conciliating, the youngers sobs just grew in volume, nearing actual wailing. Yoongi didn't know what else to do than get rid of his own coat and boots, throwing it away to somewhere that he would retreat it from later, and hesitantly moved towards the pile of clothes and human, on the dark blue carpet, that was Jungkook, before crouching down and saying, "Well, let me at least get rid of this", while pointing to the youngers outdoor clothes, "before we talk, okay?".

Easing the younger out of his thick layer of clothes that was meant to keep him warm outside was apparently a more difficult task than first believed. Maybe it was because of his shaky hands, or just because the younger actually was heavy, but at last he ended up having success with at least getting Jungkook to sit upright and try to pull his coat of him. Tugging too harshly at the sleeves made the younger whimper in slight pain, but he had at least stopped crying by this point, and the apartment had fallen into a more silent and pleasant atmosphere. When the brunette was finally out of his outdoor clothes, he managed to stand up. His face showed every sign of grogginess. Rubbing his eyes, that was now redrimmed and bloodshot from all the crying, as well as his cheeks that were puffed, with clenched fists in a childlike demeanour, he mumbled sadly under his breath "Kookie didn't mean to make Yoonie sad", a big frown on display.

"What did you say Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, a little warmer, as it had been his fault that the younger had started crying after all. He had been acting like an actual child all day though, and the older wasn't sure if he was actually trying to piss the raven haired male off. He decided to at least try to let the younger explain himself.

"Kookie didn't mean to make Yoonie sad" he repeated, just audible enough for the older to hear.

Thinking about it, at this point Jungkook would've revealed himself if he was actually joking with the ravenette. And the possibility for him to start a sick joke like this in the first damn place, was small as well. So something was clearly off, and concerned wrinkles emerged on Yoongi's forehead as well as a big lump in his throat. Questions started to spin around his head now that he had time to actually think. The brunette had never acted like this before. No matter what the older did to make Jungkook talk, all he got was childish short answers, and a pouty youngster hovering above him in the hallway that suddenly felt crowded.

He could not leave his friend like this, but at the same time the feeling of wanting to run away as fast as he could and forget this whole incident, was itching to be noticed and acted upon.

Yoongi was really good at running away from uncomfortable happenings. Shutting his brain off and just leaving was a way he handled a lot of things that he would rather be without. He didn't like confronting issues that clearly could be avoided. Why use your time and energy on things that either will solve themselves or will remain trivial compared to the actual problems in life? But he had to at least admit to himself that he also just generally was scared of interacting with what caused the problems in the first place, as it often were people.

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