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Slightly out of breath, Jungkook stood before the ravenettes door. The god forsaken stairs in this damn apartment block. Annoying big grey ugly concrete tower. Okay maybe that was a bit of an overexaggeration. The building actually wasn't ugly, it's grey facade always well kept, nor was it a tower, it only was eight stores tall. But it was annoying. He really didn't get how Yoongi climbed seven floors just to get to his own several times a day. He knew that the elder disliked the climb too, but he always said that his apartment was worth it. The rent was not too expensive, well situated, not far from his work either, and he had lots of space to work with, especially because he was living alone. But seriously, getting to it was a true workout. And he had been in a hurry because he wanted to see his hyung, which caused him to half run up the stairs. He told himself that it was also because he was late, but he was well aware that the ravenette didn't care. It was their little ritual. If the younger said he was going to be there at 11 o'clock he would be at least 10 minutes late. Trying to catch his breath and let the soft blush that had settled in his cheeks, because of his effort, escape his cheeks, he took a few deep breaths before looking down the hall once more while delivering a short melodic rhythm of light knocks on the door before him.

This place was for sure a lot more expensive than the place he rented his own little appartment, he knew this, but it didn't cease to surprise him from time to time. The walls were painted in a soft vanilla colour, the carpet a rich bordeau, and as always the space was pretty much spotless. It wasn't quite luxurious, but it was nice. Yoongi really was well off.

The creak of the shisham door, had his gaze moving back and he was met with the beautiful sight that was Yoongi, standing in his weekend clothes and smiling at him. He was enthralling, even when he stood there, with bedhair, black locks tousled, and in a white t-shirt and grey sweats. Jungkook somehow managed not to stare. In a way that wasn't too obvious, that is. He let a soft smile take over his features too, matching the elders.

"Hi hyung, it's been a while hasn't it?" he asked, as he made it through the door, Yoongi moving to the side so he could get inside in the entrance hall. It was so clean. Especially compared to his own place. The shoes were situated properly behind the door on a mat, the small teakwood chest of drawers was only littered by a bowl and Yoongis keys, and his mediumsized wardrobe held all his outdoor clothes. On hangers. All of his jackets and other items was situated on hangers. And the light wood floor was nearly shining. Yoongi wasn't a person who insisted on order, but he liked when his place was at least somewhat clean and respectable. 

"Yeah it's been too long, you've been quite busy lately" the elder softly replied, his voice slightly hoarse from what Jungkook expected was not being used a lot since he woke up, before closing the door and giving Jungkook a short hug making the younger sigh contently, but still silently wishing for more as soon as he let go. But here he was, in Yoongi's apartment, with the elder, so it was okay. It would all be okay. He could let go of the issues for now.

"Well you know where everything is, I'm going back to my lunch, I made enough so you can have some too?" Yoongi said, walking out of the room into his shared kitchen and livingroom which was only separated by a wall with a big doorway, though without doors. Yoongi had made sure they were the first thing to go after he moved in, he liked the spacious feeling it gave. All the walls were painted white, the same light tree, Jungkook was pretty sure it was birch, also continued in here. The few pieces of furniture were either black or white. Compared to Jungkooks own place, his apartment seemed enormous, and the absence of mess added to that feeling.

"Yes please!" he called through the rooms, while he took his outdoor clothes off and placed his big wintercoat on one of the many black plastic hangers, and put his light brown boots beside Yoongis. He realised that his clothes might've been one of the reasons he got so winded running up the stairs. Shrugging, he ran a hand through his soft brown locks. He had put a bit of effort into looking good, styling his hair in a way it nearly wasn't noticiable, but it looked good, and choosing a couple of soft navy pants and a grey sweater along with it instead of his normal outfit which was just a big hoodie and sweats. 

Making his way into the kitchen he saw Yoongi who sat at the big black table in his kitchen that dominated the room with its sharp contrast to the rest of the kitchen which was all painted white except the kitchencounters. Looking at the big clock ticking away above the doorframe, he realised that it only read eleven thirty am. 

"Isn't it a bit early that you eat lunch hyung?" he grinned, but nonetheless moved to sit in front of the older at one of the upholstered dark woodchairs, taking some food and putting it on the plate that Yoongi had left for him. 

"I woke up at five thirty because I forgot to turn my alarm of" the oldest groaned "and I couldn't fall asleep again for some stupid reason". He send an angry glare the youngers way when he crackled with laughter, but couldn't really keep looking angry as the youngers laugh was the most infectious thing and he soon was chuckling too. 

"So I ate breakfast really early, cleaned the place, and all that stuff, and then I got hungry again at eleven am" he complained. Between the youngers giggles he managed to force out a "oh- h that's why-y here's so clean-n" which only made Yoongi laugh harder because the younger sounded actually out of breath. "Whats so funny?" he demanded, when he calmed down enough to ask, with a big smile plastered on his face, so even his gums were showing. If he had to be honest, he had missed the younger a lot. After a couple of deep breaths, Jungkook opened his mouth to explain.

"I just can't imagine you being unable to fall asleep. Remember that time when you fell asleep in my chair and nearly hit your head down into the table" and at the memory at that he found himself in an even worse laughing fit. 

After eating, or after laughing and then eating, because Jungkook was unable to do both things at the same time, which Yoongi found adorable, they moved to the elders couch to talk. That was one of the things the brunette loved the most about their friendship. That they didn't need to do a lot of stuff, they could just stay home and enjoy eachs others company. And couches. Honestly Yoongi's big black leather one was the most comfortable. But the younger was too proud to admit so, at least to the ravenette. Looking at the elder while he gesticulated excessivly, telling a story from his workplace, with that small pout on his lips that he often had, sitting at the other end of the piece of furniture, he finally felt at ease, at home.

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