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December had gone by in a haze. The month always seemed to do so. Its December first one moment, and the next its the 23th. But this year it had went by extraodinary fast, having the younger moving in, and slowly beginning to figure out a new everyday ruitine living two in his apartment. Yoongi had barely even registered the fact that he had to buy gifts, gifts and lots of them, before the younger, happily had babbled about wanting new toys and crayons and how Santa would come with it for him in his stocking. Then he had realised that Santa maybe didn't know where he lived anymore, and Yoongi had to spend half an hour calming the crying little down, assuring him that it is a part of Santa's magic knowing where you live. That of course he would get presents in his stocking. And then he forgot again. Until the 23th.

He had hurried out the door early in the morning to arrive before most people to one of the many malls, and he still had to shove his way through other late shoppers to get gifts for his family, other friends and most important, Jungkook. All morning he had been debating what he should get for the younger. Should he buy toys for little Jungkook, or should he buy something for big Jungkook. At last, he decided to buy both, relieved as he left the warm crowded mall, full of sweaty bodies in layer after layer of winter clothing, and making it out into the crisp cold air of the parking lot clutching the many bags filled with presents - all of them wrapped in glossy colourful paper, skillfully decorated by the cashiers, something he would never be able to do just half as good. 

Finally he arrived home, with wrapped presents he hid under his bed before he made it into the living room to find Jungkook in littlespace, happily colouring, and proceeding to hang his Christmas stocking up together.

He had looked at the ravenette with big eyes, asking him why Yoongi didn't have a Christmas stocking, so he also dug through his old belongings he had stored until he found the one his mother had insisted he should bring with him.

"When you get children you can give your son this", she had said, proudly beaming at the thought of grandchildren for Christmas. It was four years ago at this point and Yoongi hadn't even found a girlfriend yet. He suspected that his mother had given up long ago. It was okay though, since his sister had gotten children she hadn't asked him as often as if her craving for gradchildren had ceased somewhat. Soon, their two stockings were hanging, side by side on the wall beside the tv.

Yoongi hadn't been this nervous for years waking up on Christmas day. He had made sure to sneak by Jungkook when he finally had fallen asleep the night before, and placed his gifts in his red velvet stocking, before he had made it back in bed.

When he woke up, the younger hadn't even started to stir on the couch he still slept on. So he slipped by to make himself a cup of coffee. He kind of hoped the younger would wake up in littlespace so he could get his presents, and it was a more and more common occurence. But he knew the younger wasn't that pleased with the fact that Yoongi cared so much for him throughout the day. Even though the elder always told him it wasn't a problem, Jungkook never listened. He was sure he was a nuisance. He wasn't.

Jumping slightly at the loud sound of the kettle boiling, the ravenette realised it maybe wasn't the best idea making coffee this early if he wanted to younger to sleep in, but the damage was already done, as he ran to take the kettle of the heat.

"Yoonie?" he heard and turned to see the younger groggily sitting upright, rubbing his eyes, his brown hair a mess upon his head and emitting a big yawn.

"Good morning Kooks, sorry for waking you up." he said, shooting the brunette an apologetic smile. "But go look in the stocking, I think Santa was here tonight. He even ate some of the cookies and milk we left for him!"

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