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The younger had regressed into littlespace again, and he had contacted Yoongi. Again. Even though Jungkook had explicitly asked the older not to communicate with him during those times, Yoongi had been unable to stop himself from doing so this time. The doe eyed youngster had called him with such happiness and satisfaction bubbling within the tone of his voice and it was certainly not because Yoongi missed little Jungkook that he hadn't excused himself when he realised he was in littlespace.

He talked, or more like babbled, about something with drawings for the ravenette, and the elders heart had swelled with something that felt suspiciously a lot like adoration and pride. He couldn't help but be in his small black city-car about ten minutes after, driving down the grey cold autumn streets, to the youngers apartment. It was definitly not his fault that the younger one was this cute in little space. And he totally didn't give in because of Jungkooks small whines, and pout that was so strong he had been able to hear how his lips was aggressively pushed together.

From the moment he stepped into the apartment, locking the door behind himself for safety measures, the younger one was in littlespace after all, he could feel the shift in the air. It was like the breaths he drew was less intense, less forced. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't slightly nervous. What if he was unable to handle the younger? He had read that some littles threw tantrums, and he was unsure of what he would do if Jungkook decided to do something along the lines of that. Pushing the thoughts to the back of his mind, he reminded himself that the brunette had only been easy in little space, except from the incident. He swiftly took off his shoes as he called out a low "Kooks?". He threw them in the corner, where the brunettes own shoes were placed too, and as they landed, they painted messy pictures on the carpet with the dirt from earlier walks and transportation. His head perked up upon hearing the soft answer from further within the apartment.

"Yoonie!!", was called out with great excitement, and the mellow thumps of clothed feet upon the blue carpet that covered the whole apartment except the little toilet, joined the soft symphony of sounds in the apartment.

When the happy boy, still in his pyjamas, got into the oldest eyesight, he launched himself at the older. He cuddled the raven haired, now squished male, closely into his chest for a while before he remembered just why he had asked the older to come over. A big toothy grin soon covered his features, and Yoongi's chest tightened softly at the sight of his young friend looking so happy.

Jungkook tightly grabbed the mentioned males hand, dragging him along. He had made the prettiest drawing ever. It was of him and Yoongi, they were holding hands, and Yoongi had even gotten the right colour and length hair! He had also bothered to draw both grass, trees and birds on the edges and had with his tongue sticking out, written "For my Yoonie <3" on the paper - slowly but rather steadily, and it was the prettiest he had ever written in his whole life.

As soon they got to the table where he had situated it between all the boring and stressing bigspace stuff, he excitedly reached out for the paper. Knocking a couple stacks of paper over, but deciding not to care, he dug it free to show the older, who was mesmerised by the state of the apartment. It was basically flooding by this point, with papers, bills and homework that the younger previously had been unable to find energy to clean up as he either regressed into littlespace whenever he had the chance, or went straight to bed. But right now the brunette was demanding his attention by pulling his sleeve and pouting at him, holding up an A4 paper with something on it, waving it around. 

"Yoonie was supposed to see" he mumbled sadly, not quite under his breath, but close to. It was just audible to the elder, who quickly turned his focus to the younger again.

"Then you have to hold the paper still, hon", the older responded, startling himself with the use of the new, nearly sickening sweet, nickname. But the younger didn't seem to acknowledge that, and just abruptly stopped all movement in his whole body, letting the older get a look at the drawing, smiling softly when he finally heard the praise he had wanted so badly, a dazed and pleased expression making it onto his face.

"That's super pretty! Is that us standing together?" Yoongi asked, receiving a nod, before carrying on "that's so beautiful! You are quite an artist aren't you bud." and sending the younger a playful wink.

A mild red started to spill in the youngers cheeks, lightning them up, so they reached a soft rosy colour. "I wrote this myself too" he said, proudly, and pointing to the lower right corner, where Yoongi, admittedly, had to look twice before deciphering what exactly the younger had written. But when it dawned to him, a weird feeling arose in his stomach and he couldn't help but smile. My Yoonie.

Continuing to praise the youngers drawing, he enjoyed watching the brunettes cheeks grow darker and darker, nearing crimson red.

The brunette had decided to watch cartoons afterwards, and who was Yoongi to deny him that? Especially when he looked so cutely innocent, with his giant doe eyes looking down at the older cuddling Ursula in his arms. He had even introduced them to each other. 

"Look Ursula, this is Yoonie! We draw drawings for him, rwemember?"

So while the younger went to sit down, Yoongi fetched a cup of milk for him, because the younger had asked him ever so politely. Smiling while he poured up the white liquid in the cup before him, he thought of the way the younger had softly looked at him and said "milk for toonies Yoonie? Pwease?"

Still with a small smile on his face, he made it to the couch, sitting down and handing the cup to the younger. Seemingly with force, he teared his gaze from the small coloured animals drawings on the small screen of his television, and gave the older a big toothy grin, uttering a "thanks!" before returning his focus to the screen. Soon after the ravenettes own focus had been stolen by the colours and music emitting from the screen, he felt a small amount of weight on his shoulder. Turning his head, he saw the younger slouched out over the couch, his head resting safely on his own shoulder, while being fast asleep. His brown locks was now laying in messy arrangements, nearly covering his right eye, and his mouth slightly agape, making his pearly white teeth visible through his pink lips. Powerful dark circles under his eyes was visible to the older who was surprised of their intensity, no wonder he fell asleep so fast. After admiring the sleeping boy for a while, a knot started to form in his stomach. He really wished he could take care of the younger, to make him finally able to relax. He was clearly exhausted. The wish to flee these feelings and occupy himself instead had him softly laying the younger down on the couch and covering with his favourite fuzzy black blanket, the one with the hole in it, and afterwards making it into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. As he stepped into the room, he again faced the enormous piles of papers and books. Well, he could help with that at least.

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