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It had been somewhat weird after they had kissed, properly kissed, that night. Not the kind of weird that was uncomfortable. It was just slightly awkward and well - good.  They had shared a few more subtle kisses and soft touches that left them both happy and flustered, but that was it. Both of them had been busy with work and school, their lives went on completely as usual even though the younger felt as if his whole world had been torn down in a blink of an eye and a new one had been built from the ruins. It was in a good way, he was more than pleased with the turn of events, but he was still quite mystified and unsure of how everything could change that quickly. Yet, everything just proceeded as normal for about a week until Yoongi had declared that he needed the younger to reserve his afternoon on the next saturday. Of course, as Jungkook would do anything for the elder, he did, and had afterwards been shivering excited thinking about what they would do and where they would go. But Yoongi had refused to tell him any details. Even after starting a tickling fight and winning it, he had got no other details out of the elder other than the dresscode and that Yoongi thought he looked cute in his pyjamas. Which was not to much help and only left him groaning into his hands blushing furiously. 

Sitting on his bed he looked at the chunky black alarm clock that was seated on a small bedside table beside his new bed. It was a black settee bed, and it was filling most of the small room, but he was very pleased to finally have a room to call his own. The shining numbers told him that it was 1pm on the saturday where their date was planned and he knew that the elder would have to return home from his lunch shift before they could leave. The ravenette had told him to put something nice on, yet not formal. Or as he had said "half-formal". Whatever the hell that meant. And that was why Jungkook left his beds softness and went to stand before his big white closet looking around befuddled with a perplexed look on his face. His eyebrows were knitted together as he let his gaze scan the content of his wardrobe. He absolutely didn't know what to wear, and poor organization inside the closet didn't help. Everything was laying in big messy piles. At least it was clean, which was mostly thanks to Yoongi, but he didn't know where anything was situated. He blamed the untidiness on moving, but to be honest he had never really been good at tidying in the first place which was why his closets, drawers and wherever he had stuff situated never really seemed well-kept or neat. Sighing, he stared at his clothes. At least it would be easy to pick a colour as most of his clothes varied in the black to white colour-range. Digging into pile after pile he finally found a pair of trousers. That was a start.

He had about an hour left before Yoongi would come home to pick him up, and he would like to take a bath before that. His hair felt greasy and skin a bit sticky. Slightly stressed as he checked the time on the watch hanging on one of the otherwise bare white walls he digged into the piles with a new fervour until he found what he looked for. A nice grey sweater that he regarded a bit too formal for normal wearing with a nice knitted pattern was picked, as well as a few bracelets from the upper shelf and some clean underwear for when he got out of the bath. Yoongi would probably have deemed the shirt for normal wear. And then he would have laughed at the younger, telling him he only thought it was formal because he never dressed in anything else than hoodies and loose pants which once in a while were replaced by skinny jeans. Except when he rarely spiked it up with a white t-shirt or anything shirt-like. He called it 'the student syndrome' and the brunette couldn't help but smile fondly to himself when he thought about how the elder would softly mock him with so much warmth hidden in his voice. Slowly he ventured out of the room that had grown to be his, replacing the elders small office and into the bathroom, bringing his phone so if Yoongi should message him, he would realise. Putting his clothes away on a stool that was there for that very purpose, he made sure none of it would get crinkled or wet before he stepped into the bath. Then he turned up for the hot water and stepped into the shower cubicle letting the water caress his limbs and slowly relaxed under the warm stream that flowed down his body. Wondering where Yoongi would take him yet again, he blushed softly. It was still unbelievable to him that the elder had asked him out. Often he caught himself questioning if it had even happened and it wasn't just his mind playing with him. But it was real. The very real Min Yoongi had asked him out, after he had kissed him and he had never experienced anything so magical in his whole life. Hopefully he wouldn't scare the elder away tonight.

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