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Jungkook was acting different. He had even called him Yoonie, which had never happened before. At first the younger had giggled loudly and light, a sound that Yoongi hadn't heard in so long, and if he had to admit it, he had missed it. He had in some ways already succeded with a lot of his mission. First step had been to get the younger out of his apartment - coming unannounced to his home being a part of the plan, as the hypothesis was that he would manage to get the brunette with him easier that way. Which was indeed the case, he just didn't know quite why.
He knew though, that Jungkook had been coming up with excuses not to go out lately. Or, actually he had always done that, he preferred to stay at home, had always done. But lately he had come up with even more stupid reasonings, which led the ravenette to rule it of as stress. Jungkook had never really avoided him.

But now the giggling had stopped, and in it's void, an eerie silence had started. A slight worry was itching its way inside Yoongi, so when muffled hiccups caused the littles shoulders to jump, Yoongi abruptly stopped the swing, grabbing the chains on each side of the seat, and nearly ran around it, to see the youngers face, his gut-feeling was now screaming that something clearly wasn't right.

But when he made it to the front of the swing, trying to see the youngers face to determine what was wrong, he was hiding it behind his hands, shoulders visibly tense. The olders mind was running in circles, as to find out what on earth was wrong. Or, what was so intimidating that person he considered his best friend was covering his face from the ravenettes view, bangs falling down over his covered face, that was hanging low.  A little pang of betrayal, racked through his body, because the youngster hadn't uttered a single word about the problem he was clearly experiencing to Yoongi, who prided himself of being the person that the brunette could come to.

Crouching down, he wanted to coo a bit at Jungkook, because he was kind of cute in this position, completely curled up, even though he was certainly not okay. But knowing that the younger probably just would be more distressed, he instead tried to get the clothed hands that was currently blocking his view, out of the way while muttering a soft "hey, what's wrong?", feeling completely idiotic.

Min Yoongi wasn't really what one would call an experienced comforter. Normally when he wanted to help, he did do more damage than good. For example, when his older sister had her first child, he had tried to make the kid calm down, but he ended up with a newborn wailing like a sirene, it's little wrinkled face with tiny features completely crimson red while it screamed. Since then, he tried to avoid human children, they were too difficult to deal with, and he never knew what to do around them.

Also adults caused him great trouble. How the hell should he of all people know how one feel, and be able to actually help. His knowledge about humans limited, not because he didn't have any experience with them, his own emotions were just complicated enough in themselves to really leave any excess energy for taking care of others. He did want to help, but he had just given up on it long ago, as he was mostly pushed away for either being too honest, "gods sake, if he said he doesn't like you, maybe that's the case, get yourself together", or being too silent, which led to the counterpart feeling like he didn't care.

So he were surprised, though pleasently, when a couple of widened, glassy, doe-like eyes were glancing at him through the fingers of the younger.

"I'm scared Yoonie" was not the answer he had expected, but was still what he recieved. While emitting a deep chuckle, convinced that the brunette was joking, the older stood up again, while answering "don't fuck around with me Jungkook-ah".

The tiny gasp he heard, had him quickly glancing down at the sitting figure before him again though, and he saw pools of tears emerging in the sides of the youngers eyes. Clenching and unclenching his hands in bewilderment, while his insides felt like they were turning, he was trying to find out what the hell was he going to do. He was going to cry for gods sake.

"Kookie want's to go home Yoonie" the younger whimpered, now clutching the dark grey scarf he was wearing tightly in his hands, if they had been bare of his gloves, Yoongi would have been able to see his knuckles whitening. His tears was threatening to fall any second, and while the referring to himself in third person and calling himself Kookie seemed weird, he had actually let the older know what to do. And wondering about the choice of words or the weird behaviour wasn't exactly on the ravenettes mind, because the kid, as Yoongi still reffered to him as, was nearly crying, and he would very much like to avoid that. They were already getting a couple of nasty looks from some parents with their kids, and the plan was now to avoid Jungkook discovering it, because that seemed like something that would throw him over the edge.

"Then come on, lets go home Kooks" he said turning his back to the younger, ready to go, but a big hand, with a rough fuzzy feeling because of his gloves, quickly grapped his and he couldn't help but freeze on the spot, back and shoulders tensing and brows furrowing, and he quickly turned to see the younger clutching his hand in his grasp, looking completely perplexed, repeating "I'm scared.." while a pout made it onto his face. Not knowing what else to do with this person he felt like he didn't even know anymore, he just dragged the younger along with him.

It had been a hell trying to get Jungkook home. A goddamn hell. He would whine at the smallest thing, avert his eyes when someone just looked at him causing him to trip over himself and being in need of getting steadied, jumping at sudden movements from Yoongi as well as others, and it had been so embarrasing. A light red colour still painting Yoongi's cheeks, and when they finally reached Jungkooks apartment, he let out a big sigh in relief. His hand nearly numb because of the tight grip from the younger, who was now unable to stand still in sudden excitement of being nearly home, when Yoongi tried to grab his keys with his left hand and open the dark front-door. After a bit of struggeling, and angry huffs at both the keys and the brunettes developing annoying behaviour, Yoongi forcefully yanked the younger with him inside, totally wiping the smile that had found its place back on Jungkooks face, off.

Slamming the door shut, trying to compress his now boiling rage, Yoongi whispershouted at the male before him. "What the actual fuck was that about Jungkook?", anger lacing his voice, and his eyes sternly staring into the big brown eyes in front of him. When the only answer he got was the younger just wincing at his tone, and averting his eyes to the ground, he groaned tiredly. "And you can't even answer me? Are you aware how embarrassing that was? Unfuckingbelievable.."

Jungkook was aware that the older was angry, but didn't know what had angered the man. His swearwords and cold gaze scaring him to the point of crying, his Yoonie wasn't normally like that. And when Yoongi slammed his hand down on the drawer that was situated beside his front door, he fell to the ground, still in full outdoor clothing, and outright started to sob while clutching his knees.

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