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"Hyung, I would really like if you would leave me alone when I slip into littlespace", Jungkook muttered softly and apologetic, frown settling upon his chiseled features as he stared down onto his small dining table.

"I just have a hard time figuring everything out with you knowing about me being in littlespace, and I don't want it to ruin the relationship I already have with you, s-so I think it would be the easiest solution right now" he quickly stammered out, just to look up into his friends tired and surprised face. Yoongi had slept over, he had helped Jungkook getting into bed, the younger still in littlespace and whining when Yoongi, after sitting by his bed for half an hour, on a stool he had taken from the kitchen, trying to get him to calm, finally had left him to go sleep at the old couch. So right now he was sitting in front of the younger, facing him over his soggy cereals with way to much milk on, he was drowning it. That was if you asked Jungkook at least. It was a waste of his milk!

"Well.. it really isn't a big issue Jungkook" he spoke after a few seconds, where he was busy blinking and figuring out what was happening, in his groggy and raspy morning-voice, trying to hide his dissapointment. It had been weirdly satisfying to have the younger depend on him. "Are you sure I should avoid you? Isn't that a bit drastic" he added, hoping that would change the youngers mind. Apparently not.

"It's a big issue for me hyung" the brunette answered, frown growing bigger, watching the olders strong lean arms and how the tatoos snaked around his wrist and made their up as a sleeve to where his white baggy t-shirt started, to avoid looking at his face. It just had him having flashback of the previous night though, of those arms holding him close, making him feel so safe, and those words. He had been so close to spilling his darkest secret to Yoongi just because his reckless little self had wanted to. He couldn't risk it. Really couldn't.

"Now that you know, little me might call you and ask you to come over. Please just tell me that you can't. I need to figure things out", last words fading into a soft whisper, his plead was still carried through the quiet apartment to Yoongi. Lifting his head, he locked gaze with the older, who saw the seriousness in his eyes.

Sighing, acknowledging his defeat, the ravenette just nodded softly, and shooted the younger a reasurring smile. "Got you".

"Got you". The older didn't know how true that incredibly short sentence was. Those two words summed up pretty much the brunettes whole situation. He had him. Jungkook was his if  he just wanted him, and if he just knew, everything would be so much more easy. Jungkook had several times called his elder in littlespace, and he hadn't turned up yet, happily. No matter how much he pleaded through the phone, how his breath got caught in his throat, how excited he seemed to be, or how his small choked sniffles left him when the elder told him, no he couldn't come over, the ravenette stood his ground and acted like the younger had asked him to. He stayed away. 

Little Jungkook had a hard time controlling his acts when it came to the older. He was lost. But truly, in bigspace he was just as lost. Just more in control of his behaviour. It was a month or so after he had asked the older not to come around when he was in littlespace. The weather had grown colder, snow had started to fall from time to time, just to melt as soon it hit the ground, and his breaths was awfully visible when he trod to school every morning. They still hung out regulary, it wasn't really awkward, but whenever Jungkook resisted the urge to fall into littlespace, Yoongi noticed and his furrowed brows let the younger know that he wasn't happy with the situation. He had learned how to spot the small signs he had never been aware of before, in the short time he had known that the younger was a little. How he fiddled more with the hem of his shirt or whatever object that was close to him, how his voice became just a bit lighter, how small wrinkles would appear around his mouth, how he would often huff softly in annoyance. The brunette truly wasnt either. He wanted to tell Yoongi, especially when he looked him deep in the eyes in that way only he could, and saw through so much of him, except that little dark box he kept his heart in. The only thing he truly wanted Yoongi to be able to see through.

His school was coming along rather nicely now that he could schedule when to go into little space and when not to, being able to cancel plans with the older if that was necessary. But he soon realised his most pressuring problem wasn't his school, which always was stressing but something he could overcome if he had the energy and time to put the needed work into it. It wasn't his feelings for his hyung whom seemed to grow everyday. No, this time it was affording his small apartment. After his landlord had raised the pay, he evidently became short of money. But at this point he started to have problems to even pay the rent itself. He didn't think much of it though, just took all the shifts he could at the cafe. 

"Jungkook you are literally here all the time, don't you have other stuff to do as well?" Jihyo asked with a partly amused, partly concerned look on her small face when she saw Jungkook walk through the doors of the cafe heading for the employers room to shift. 

"I have bills to pay noona" he answered shooting her a grin and resting his hand on the door, which had written no access on it with a font that somehow managed to match the place's cozy vibe as well as get the point across, before he made it through it. The people who designed this place had really done a good job, Jungkook couldn't help but think, as he headed to the lockers, to get rid of his belongings and normal clothes as he pulled the work shirt over his head, and the apron on top of that before joining the small girl behind the counter.

While they waited for another customer she shot him a teasing glance while tapping her nails slowly onto the table in a melody unbeknownst to Jungkook. "Well hows school and your boyfriend?", which had Jungkook going into a coughing fit, and looking shocked down at the tiny woman, a whole head and a half smaller than him, with her tiny angletic features, who had a devilish smile plastered over them. A soft blush made it onto his face, as he stared at her for a couple of seconds, catching his breath. When he was done spluttering he opened his mouth to answer but a customer had already demanded her attention. "Jungkook could I have you making a normal cup of black coffee and fetching a piece of carrot-cake for me", she singsonged amused as he shuffled off to get her what she asked for.

Watching as the small hands handed over the ordered pieces, he finally got the possibility to answer. "School's.. Yeah I guess school is fine, I'm just starting to face a little trouble with all these shifts and schoolwork as well. But boyfriend, you do know I don't have a boyfriend right? How do you even know the fact that I'm not straight?".

"Wait", she said perplexed as she wiped off the counter, "you two are really not boyfriends? But I was still right! You aren't straight. Hah, I gotta collect my money" an even bigger grin plastered over her doll-like features.

"Who aren't boyfriends Jihyo you are confusing me", Jungkook shot back, equally confused. "And wait? Did you make a bet on if I was straight or not? With who?"

"You and that black haired, black clothed, tatooed guy." she said like it was nothing, shrugging as her hands moved to wipe off the table before them, her respond succesfully sending the younger into another coughing fit. "And Jimin of course, we have been discussing this the last half year and finally we have the proof that I'm smarter than him. Of course I am, but he just won't listen to his superior intellectual. But you two really aren't a couple?".

"No!", he yelled out, scaring a couple of customers on the nearby tables, and bowing his head in an apology before he turned to Jihyo. "We are not".

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