He was to deep into his own thoughts, that he nearly got startled when the brunette started to trace his own features with just one finger, childishly and clumsy, staring at his face with furrowed brows as he concentrated, his nose crinkling softly. The big brown eyes of his was so close to the elders that he nearly had to go crosseyed to focus, and again this weird thing happened where the ravenette felt his heart speed noticable up. He scrunched his nose to match the brunettes in response to the youngers caressing, and the little let out such a heartly giggle that Yoongi could only smile back.

"What are you doing buddy?" he asked, turning to press one finger against the brunettes nose, and he giggled again. 

Jungkooks giggles and laugh was two of the elders absolute favourite things. They had butterflies with the size of bats happily fluttering in his stomach. 

"Kookie's Yoonie is sooooo pwetty" he explained, light dancing in his eyes as he grinned widely and exposed his rows of pearly white teath, before pressing his lips to one of the elders cheeks, slightly missing the place he had intended to kiss, so he also barely grazed the side of the elders lips in the process too. When he drew back, a content little smile was plastered on his face.

"Yoonie is Kookie's faworite!" he exclaimed, seemingly not noticing the elders growingly red face, widened eyes or hitched breath. Luckily he just cuddled closer, pressing the ravenettes back into the black cushions of the leather couch, and hiding his face in Yoongi's shirt.

Yoongi's mind though, wasn't that calm.

Jungkook had as expected fallen asleep in his lap yet again. As soon as that had happened, Yoongi sneaked out of his embrace with his heart pounding in his chest. How could he have been so blind? And for so long? The reason why he loved the youngers eyes, smile, laugh, how he would demand cuddles, basically his mere prescense wasn't that he was his best friend. And the reason to the batsized butterflies wasn't explained by that either. No he had fucking fallen for his best friend. That was why.

Yoongi had been in his room for one and a half hour, and this new not that platonic need for the younger still hadn't subsided. But to hell with if he was going to do anything or make any moves on Jungkook while he was in littlespace, he had to know if the younger gave proper consent. So instead he had done the most mature thing.

He locked himself inside his room. 

It was embarrasing, especially when he heard the younger had woken up. He sat frozen on his bed, angry red blush covering his cheeks, eyes widened and almost too clear, and his black hair was a mess from all the times he had run a hand through it in frustration. What should he say? Or do? Should he act like nothing? But at the same time, he didn't want to strangle this adoration he had for the younger. And he wanted the man to want him too.

So when he heard a knock on his door and a soft "hyung, are you okay?", he froze a second, before launching up from the bed, desperately trying to restrain himself even though he knew that he couldn't. With shaking hands, he fought to unlocked the door, only to see the most beautiful human being standing on the other side when he managed. His eyes were wild, hair a mess, but in this moment he didn't care. Looking up at the brunettes confused and worried gaze he scolded himself for not realising earlier how perfect the man was.

"Would you mind if I kissed you" slipped past his lips, brutally forward, gaze not moving an inch from the youngers.

Perplexed by the whole situation, almost feeling like a dream, Jungkook just shook his head, because this simply had to be something his imagination had made up to play a trick on him. And honestly it wouldn't be the first time he had dreamt anything like this. Yoongi could never be asking him that, or standing before him, eyes shifting from his lips to his eyes. That was just not possible.

So when a flushed body pressed against his own, and a couple of hands entangled in his hair, he found himself unable move a muscle as if he feared he would scare the elder away, and his mind stopped working like a computer shutting down after announcing an error.  He had dreamt of this moment in months, but when it actually arrived he didn't know what to do. Happily for him, Yoongi did.

"You sure?", he asked, and when he received another nod, he took the matter in own hands. Looking into the youngers eyes he now understood why he loved so much, he stood on his toes  and then he finally pressed his lips onto the brunettes. He didn't expect the sudden course of actions though, as Jungkook finally stirred out of his trance. He inhaled sharply, focusing his gaze on the ravenette, wrapping his arms swiftly around his slim waist, and tilting his head so the male before him had better access to his lips as an instinct but yet not daring to take initiative.

Slightly startled, Yoongi still didn't hesitate to press his own thinner lips harder against the ones of the youngers, his chest expanding with a love he didn't know he could actually hold, a sweet pear-like taste filling his mouth as he desperately yet delicately moved his lips in synchrony with the younger. Softly nibbling on the tallers bottom lip, to ask for access, he got what he wanted, he started to lick into his mouth, mind exploding with the feeling of his friend, or whatever he was, slowly going pliant in his hands, and letting him take control. Soft pants filled both their ears, when they wavering parted to get air. Staring at each other for a mere second, a pink hue made it onto both of their cheeks, before Yoongi attentively said "I guess it's now where I either explain myself or ask you out. What would you prefer?" while scratching the back of his neck embarrassed and taking a step back to look at the younger.

A few silent seconds filled with confusion, hope and fear passed before the younger opened his mouth to answer.

"The last" he muttered, along with a giant toothy grin, that made Yoongi's heartbeat speed up by tenfold.

"The last it is then", he said, flashing his ever so rare smile that showed all his gums. And Jungkook melted, again. Just like the first time.

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