Scene 18 - A Secret Trip to North Devon

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With Sam's car ending its long and quick travel to the cottage, it pulls up just by the side of the antique house. Inside the basement, Joe is sat in the heart of the Rat Trap, spinning widely endlessly around and around with the BIG RAT computer electrifying and beeping and transferring and the lights blinding behind Joe as the process follows through. Mac, Emily, Russel and Sam view the incredible machine do its work with amazement, particularly Russel who has never seen this astonishing process before, grabs hold of Emily's hand as they turn to each other and smile at the demonstration.


So then, this is how Joe can drive fast planes, big tanks and secret underwater crafts.

Finally, the transfer begins to slow down greatly, over time however as the spinning cage decreases speed until it locks in a position for Joe to be released as the two sides in front of Joe electronically get out of the way allowing Joe's chair to bring him down back to ground level.


Alright Joe, the transfer is complete.


What's the rush though Sam? I mean, you just look a bit different ever since you rushed off to WIN HQ.


I will explain when we reach the space launch bay in North Devon.

Both cars, Jet car and Sam's car, are both sat and parked outside the beautiful cottage, Sam, Russel and Emily wait in one car whilst in the Jet Air Car, Mac patiently waits in the driver's seat for Joe to arrive and jump into the car, who is looking desperately to find his glasses and his WIN case, but eventually finds them up hiding in his room upstairs.


How are you getting on in there Joe?


(Shouting out) Trying to find my case and glasses.

Joe, racing down the stairs and setting his glasses to his nose carrying his small case, for a man's size, jumps down the bottom steps and charges out only shutting the door to about three-quarters of the way and jumping into the Jet Car his father waits for him patiently.

Right dad, I'm ready now.


Sam said that he is leaving in his car first and said that we'll catch up to the space Centre in North Devon, he said that he already went there to order some spacesuits Joe. You know that man is one of the most mysterious people I think I have ever worked with.

Sam's engine activates, with Russel sat in the passenger seat whilst Emily behind in the back, it strolls out and overtakes the Jet Car narrowly before increasing speed and getting a powerful head start ahead of the other automobile.


Look, Sam, why are we going to the space Centre in North Devon?


Maybe you're giving us a treat Sam by sending us on a spacewalk to the moon.


I'm afraid it's a little more serious than that, in fact we were responsible for it, all of us.

Following Sam's car, the Jet Air Car's motor begins to activate and strolls behind the more conventional mode of transport as it sharply left towards the west slides around the corner tailing the car in front which is Sam's vehicle.


Let's see if we can beat them to the Centre.

Mac's wheels levitate suddenly via activating upwards enabling the car to fly high into the sky jealously annoying the others down below.


Still so cool though.


Infuriatingly, yes!


Put your foot down to catch them up then Sam.

Increasing speed, Sam's car rapidly whizzes off down the road and ending the scene for another transition change like the original series.

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