Scene 24 - Journey to the cottage

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It's dark and getting late. It's half-past seven and along down a cliffside road is a red Toyota travelling perhaps a little too fast down the forest road. Inside is Eleanor, Joe's school friend, and her father driving her home or someplace listening to the Double Agent Entertainment track from Joe 90's Double Agent whilst taking as a daughter and father would.


Well, I'm glad of you coming down with me Eleanor. You were a great help to me down at work.


That's alright dad, I get forgetful all the time. Like when I leave my PE kit at school.


I know that I shouldn't have left them down in the warehouse, but sometimes you just can't help it.






You know how I've told you about Joe, Joe McClaine?


Yes, you have.


Well, I mean usually he is off for about three days, but he's been off for a whole week. And he is picked on at school for his glasses and his family and dad and everything.


Yes. I know the type who do that. But you be nice to Joe, won't you.

She nods and smiles happily at him.

We are now further down opposite to Eleanor's car, in a black SUV also travelling a little fast down the road, where two ill-dressed, tired businessmen are discussing finance and leading to a conversation completely unrelated with Vaughn driving his own car and fat, argumentative Graydon answering back at him.


Well Graydon, with the figures you have given me, it looks like the AP industry might be in debt slightly.


Is that all you can say? The business might be in debt?


I might be glad of it; this job is actually killing me already Graydon.


You get a good salary from it you know, £60,000 hours a year, what have you gotta complain about.


Mr. Gould, I don't wish you to be shouting out my salary out to the world.


Sorry. Just because you don't get paid as much as I do.


Well you get paid £70,000 to sit fat and happy at a desk biting your nails, picking your nose, stuff your face with burgers every lunch like an overfeed pig and almost think everything is done for you.


Alright, alright. Still, they haven't caught me on about it.


Because you sit all lonely at the back corner because nobody wants to socialize with an arrogant, fat, drunk sloth.


So that's why I lost my previous job and driving license. Just keep your concentration up, I need to be back before my wife turns in for the night.

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