Scene 9 - Samuel Gomez

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All five agents of WIN wait outside Shane Weston's office, the corridor they are in is simply long and uninterestingly painted purple with a seat next to the door, designed so it wouldn't be noticed as it is, like in the original episode, featuring a soft and comfy pattern and material, not to be sat on. They just stand there hearing voices from inside the office.


Sam, who are Special Protection?


That's a long story Joe, but they were set up to maintain peace and examine organizations to see whether they are worth running for financial reasons and safety factors.


So why could they be here then?


Obviously, they must be inspecting WIN Joe, but don't they realise that World Intelligence maintains the balance of power and world peace.


That's not how they see it Ms. Cartwright, as I say they spell trouble.

The radio next to the door clicks its sound, suggesting it has been turned on and Shane Weston announces to the waiters outside, but sounds tired and worn out already at this point on the day.


Ok Sam, you can come in now.

Sam pushes the door forward and allows the others to enter first, first Mac, then Emily, Russel, Joe and finally Sam. The tall, angry-looking gentlemen smartly dressed in his uniform giving the others a harsh look rudely confronts them.

Don Gomez:

Oh, I see Weston that you have been doing some recruiting lately, boy's a bit young isn't he?


Excuse me Special Protection, you may have the right to come in here and show off, but you have no right to throw insults at my son!


Ooh, very good sir. Plenty of spirit Weston in this batch.


Err, this is Don Gomez from the Special Protection ladies and gentlemen, he is here on inspection of WIN.


Yes Chief, I know Don Gomez from Special Inspection.


Hello Sam, it's been some time hasn't it? Twenty years roughly I'd say. But I also see Weston you recruit rather attractive young women in your business, she is a bit young too you know.

Gomez, looking over towards her legs, feels feeling and love for the pretty Emily with Russel stepping in defending her as they confront one another like two angry wolves growling furiously at one another for their territory.


Ay! You keep your filthy testosterone away from Emily, just because you think you are authority doesn't mean that you can start taking poor girls into your grubby little hands!

Emily begins to feel better thanks to Russel's defence before Gomez backs down and begins to circle aimlessly around the office.


You see, that's what I like about World Intelligence, their so-called agents have plenty of spirit.


That's enough you two, Gomez, tell them why you are here. Take a seat you five and listen carefully.

Joe, Mac, Emily, Russel and Sam nervily take the seats and listen to the mouthy Gomez explaining the situation walking around the room whilst glaring towards the members of WIN.

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