Scene 5 - Preparing for launch

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The Kayo aircraft elegantly glides down on the runway and is escorted away back to its hanger, a one-maned orange aircraft, small but fast, its design is rather basic with the logo "Kayo" marked in black on both sides of the aircraft. It is then taken into a small hanger next to the runway with its grey doors sliding behind the aircraft after turning in. The control tower is ready for the three interceptor pilots with the Commander, Sam, the Professor and Lieutenant Anderson ready at the controls and their radios. A radio call is sent to Lieutenant Anderson.

Kayo Pilot:

Tower to Kayo interceptor, touchdown complete and have now returned to hanger.

Lieutenant Anderson:

Right Kayo. Commander, Kayo interceptor has returned to its hanger.


Ok, prepare to launch the interceptors.

Lieutenant Anderson:

Yes sir. XG 109 air fighters from control tower, proceed onto runway starting with you Joe.


What is their ETA to the danger zone Sam?


With a speed of about two-thousand MPH, they should be there in about five hours at the most.

Lieutenant Anderson:

XG 109 Interceptors 2 and 3, prepare to launch on runway.


(On the radio) Moving out now.

The first interceptor, containing Joe wearing his glasses, gently wheels over towards the long stretch of runway. The interceptor is basically coloured white with the words XG 109 on it somewhere and for Joe's aircraft, the number one on the top fin of the plane, looking rather similar to the MiG 242 from the opening episode. His aircraft parks at the start of the runway pointing forward. Joe is followed by Emily and Russel in XG 109 Interceptors 2 and 3, who park up behind him. Lieutenant Anderson in the control tower contacts all three aircrafts so the radio link is between all four, the tower and the three interceptors.

Lieutenant Anderson:

Tower to XG 109 Interceptor 1, you are clear to take off.


Good luck son.


Thanks dad, proceeding with takeoff.

Joe's aircraft begins to wheel off again and begins to pick up speed, with enough rapid force, the interceptor rises off the ground and flies into the sky. The other two interceptors are still stationary.

Lieutenant Anderson:

XG Interceptors 2 and 3, prepare for launch.


Ok tower.


Well Emily, ladies first.


Aw, thank you.

Interceptor 2 containing Russel waits for Emily to pass over slowly, then with her, both aircrafts, with Interceptor 3 at the front, begin picking up speed before their wheels rise up above the ground and shooting into the sky together.

With Joe's aircraft beginning to level out, the other two aircrafts rise and change horizontally towards the left. Interceptor 1 with Joe is at the front of the formation in the lead with Interceptor 2, the next closest containing Russel, flies to its port side. Interceptor 3, piloted by Emily, flies to Joe's starboard, all three flying at equal speed with, inside each cockpit, the three receive orders from the tower via their built-in radios to the controls. The controls feature an ordinary wheel with a collection of several buttons and controls on each side of the wheel with the pilot sat in a black but comfortable seat. Its missile firing has its own section to the right of the control panel with a missile-firing range behind the wheel when used for combat. Tower calls the interceptors once in formation.


XG Interceptor 1 to Tower and XG Interceptors 2 and 3, link up complete, proceeding at 2,000 MPH to the Sapo National Park in Liberia with an arrival time of five hours.

Lieutenant Anderson:

Very good XG Interceptors, I shall pass you over to the Commander who will brief you on your mission.

The Lieutenant allows the Commander to speak.


This is the Commander speaking XG pilots, this is your brief for the assignment. Joe will lead this operation, all of you will fly to the danger zone at maximum speed and after four hours and fifty minutes, you will prepare battle positions. You Emily and Russel will fly ahead to the complex with Joe hanging around for a few minutes somewhere out of sight from the security cameras surveying the complex from ten miles away. You will both act as bate as their missiles and launchers fire at you and with the base distracted, Joe will launch the major attack with the knowledge he has. I have faith and belief in all three of you will be a success and wish you luck for this deadly assignment.


Thank you Commander, we will do our best.


Now we'll know what it feels like to be a Kamikaze pilot.


We'll be fine Russel, anyway it's a five-hour flight so let's get flying.

The interceptors fly even faster into the distance for the mission to destroy the first base.

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