Scene 15 - Attack!

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Now, we are inside the control room of the MSRG base, although we don't have an exterior shot yet of the base, the room is another large control centre with sets of desks containing many controls and levers and reading to monitor, mostly coloured white with surrounding windows to view the base from the top. The Brigade Leader of the base observes the work of the monitors around, snooty and selfish, wearing a funny moustache and speaking in another Russian accent he puts himself above anyone else, obviously because of his position. He inspects on the desk with a Lieutenant at work and is unimpressed, in particular with him, just to be picky and a bully, therefore he tuts at the Lieutenant for no good reason really.

Brigade Leader:

Dear oh dear Lieutenant Fleming, it's a good thing that your superiors didn't see you dressed like that.

Lieutenant Fleming:

Beg your pardon sir?

Brigade Leader:

What I'm saying is that your uniform is a disgrace to the MSRG!

Lieutenant Fleming:

But sir, you said that my uniform was immaculate earlier sir, you picked me out in particular...

Brigade Leader:

Shut up Fleming, you talk too much! Now just get on with your work before I put you in front of a firing squad or run you over by one of the tanks.

Lieutenant Fleming:

(Grumbling) Make your mind up.

He abruptly swings around and stares aggressively at the man with leaving Lieutenant rather guilty.

Brigade Leader:

What was that?

Lieutenant Fleming:

Oh, err, I mean, nothing sir

He then picks up the Lieutenant by his chest uniform and snaps at him.

Brigade Leader:

Now listen here you grovelling little piece of dirt, you don't understand how this organization works, we have a tough reputation to maintain and we don't need...

Three readings appear on the scanner suddenly as the two calm down.

Lieutenant Fleming:

Sir, look! There is something on the scanners approaching the base.

Brigade Leader:

Tanks, so it seems, we'll shoot them down before they even get close to our complex.

Lieutenant Fleming:

They've just crossed the Marina trench now.

Brigade Leader:

Ignore where they are coming from Fleming, sound the alert and send out those machine tanks at once.

He then releases Fleming then dashes over to the window to observe the organizations' machines.

Other rival and stereotypical machine tanks race out and scatter around the trees on a variety of different levels, higher and lower than some to prepare the attack. We still don't see the exterior of the base which houses them, but the tanks are far less impressive than the U87.2 machines, scattered around and waiting for the attack, silence covers the area as the tanks wait for their bate of the trap. The machine tanks race across one behind the other, continuing to knock down anything that stands in the unstoppable vehicles, but inside they begin to question about the base and about their attack they expect.

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