Rosalie chuckled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, her red lipstick leaving a mark. She giggled and wiped it off. Ben's carriage stopped in front of the cathedral first, pulling away as soon as they started walking. Rosalie took a deep breath. Jay noticed and interlocked their fingers. Rosie looked at their hands then back to him, already feeling relieved. The footman opened up the door for the pair, Jay stepping out first, reaching his hand out so Rosalie could walk out. Rosalie gave a smile and wave to everyone and didn't stop until she reached Ben in front of the doors. Jay followed Mal as they were escorted inside of the church. Ben engulfed Rosalie into a hug. "Here goes nothing." Ben whispered, the two smiling at one another before Rosalie was escorted away.

          After Ben's parents, Fairy Godmother, Mal, Jay, and Rosalie were escorted to their places, everyone else was as well. Jay slipped his hand into Rosalie's, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles soothingly. Rosalie looked up and saw Evie and Carlos. Beside them stood Peyton and Sam White, making Rosalie smile. Peyton not-so-subtly jutted his thumb towards Sam, making her laugh. Loud music began to play as the large doors opened, revealing Ben. Rosalie watched excitedly as her best friend walked down the aisle to become King. Ben was now walking past Mal, Jay and Rosalie, giving Mal a smile. He made it to the steps and kneeled down. Fairy Godmother hugged Queen Belle and King Adam. She then placed King Adam's crown on Ben's head. Ben looked back at Mal and smiled, whilst Mal's seemed to try hard to smile back.

          Fairy Godmother took her wand out of its case and stood in front of Ben. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon with justice and mercy, for as long as you shall reign?" She asked, raising a brow lightly.

          "I do solemnly swear," Ben said proudly. Rosalie smiled, looking to Jay for a split second who smiled back at her. When Rosalie looked away, Jay's smile fell to a frown. They were only moments away from when the place would be in place. Jay looked at Mal who looked back at him, the two sharing sad expressions.

          "Then it is my honor and my joy, to bless our new king," Fairy Godmother smiled. Just as she was about to bless Ben, a hand grabbed the wand out of her hands. Everyone in the building gasped, the hand belonging to Jane — Fairy Godmother's daughter. She started waving her arms around uncontrollably, trying to control the power of the wand. Jay stepped forward and shielded Rosalie with his body. Rosie peeked over his shoulder to see a streak of green light shoot out of the wand, a terrible feeling growing in her stomach.

          "Child! What are you doing?" Fairy Godmother yelled.

          "If you won't make me beautiful I'll do it myself!" Jane yelled, struggling with the wand. Beams of light were shooting everywhere. People were screaming and taking cover. Ben speeded towards Mal, covering her protectively. "Bippity-boppity-boo!" Jane said, sparks flying from the wand. It did no good. Sparks continued to fly out of the wand, if this were to keep up someone could get easily hurt. Mal dashed forward and wrestled Jane for the wand.

          "Be careful Mal!" Queen Belle warned. Mal yanked the wand out of Jane's hands. The wand stopped sparkling. Everyone backed away from Mal, now realizing that the wand was in the hands of a villain's child.

          "Mal," Ben said carefully, "Give me the wand."

          "Stand back!" Mal said, pointing the wand towards him.

          "Mal?" Rosalie asked weakly. "It's okay," Ben said to her.

          "Ben, Rosie, I said stand back!" She shouted.

          "I told you so!" Audrey said. Mal turned towards her with the wand, causing Audrey to gasp and lean backwards.

          The church doors burst open to reveal Evie and Carlos running down the aisle. The two ran to join Mal's side. "Come on!" Evie hissed. Jay then stepped away from Rosalie. "Revenge time," he muttered uncertainty.

          A hurt expression quickly fell upon Rosalie's face. She took a step back from the scene. "Jay?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Jay didn't take a glance Rosalie's way, knowing that he may burst into tears if he were to see how deeply hurt she looked.

          "Mal, please. Just give me the wand," Ben said.

          "We have no choice, Ben!" Mal said, upset. "Our parents —"

          "Your parents made your choice!" Rosalie exclaimed exasperated, standing beside Ben. Ben nodded, "Now you make yours."

          Mal looked at him, then to Rosalie, then everyone else. "I think I want to be good," she said softly. "You are good," Ben insisted. "How do you know that?" Mal snapped.

          "Because.. because I'm listening to my heart!" Ben said.

          Mal slightly lowered the wand. "I want to listen to my heart too," she said, as she turned to her friends. "And my heart is telling me that we are not like our parents." She pointed the wand at the ground, all malicious intent forgotten. "Scratching dude's belly makes you happy," she said, turning to Carlos. "Who would've thought?" She then turned to Evie, "And Evie, you do not need to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." Evie smiled, all though tears were spilling from her eyes. Mal then turned to Jay. "And Jay, Tourney makes you happy, yeah. But Rosie makes you more happy than anything in the world."

          Rosalie and Jay met eyes. Rosalie's eyes were watering up and so was his. Mal had spoken nothing but the truth. Jay was never as happy on the Isle as he was in Auradon, with Rosalie by his side.lNot destroying things," Mal finished as she faced her friends again. "I choose good you guys," Mal said, sticking her fist out.

          "I choose good too," Jay said instantly, his fist joining Mal's. Rosalie felt the tips of her lips tug up into a small smile. "I choose good too," Evie said as she placed her fist next to Mal and Jay's. All that was left was Carlos. Everyone looked at him.

          "So just to be clear, we don't have to worry about how really mad our parents are going to be?" Carlos asked. Everyone laughed. "Cause they're going to be really mad," he finished.

          "Your parents can't reach you here," Rosalie promised.

          "Okay then, good," Carlos said, putting his fists next to his friends'.

          Jay then walked to Rosalie and held out his hand. Rosalie placed her hand into his and Jay pulled her into a tight hug, Rosalie smiling as they pulled away and looked at one another in the eyes. As they were about to lean in, thunder crackled in the sky. A plume of green smoke burst through the window and spiraled down to the floor, landing in between the descendants and Rosalie, Ben, his parents, and Fairy Godmother. The smoke disappeared, revealing the one and only Maleficent.

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