All Aboard

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"Scarlett! Come on! Hurry!" I was running throughthe thousands of people surrounding the boat. This boat was the most exciting thing to ever hit Southampton. The largest cruise liner. The most magnfiicent ship.

The RMS Titanic.

I tunred around to see Scarlett struggling with her suitcases. "Ruby, can't you just wait? We're going to be docked for a whole hour more."

I ran to her and grabbed one of her bags. "Come on! We want to get everything all set up so we can be on the main deck when we leave! I want to see us leave here, and I want to see us dock at New York!" I ran to the ramp and made my way up to the ticket taker.

"Names, please, miss?" the young man said.

"Ruby Horan and Scarlett Styles." I handed him the two tickets that would send us to a new start.

"Ruby! I can't find my ticket!" Scarlett was having a nervous breakdown. I laughed.

"Scarlett, I have it!"

"Oh, of course." She picked up her bags.

"Welcome aboard, ladies. Have a wonderful sail." He smiled and handed us back the tickets.

"Thank you, sir!" We ran on the ship.

"I absolutely cannot believe your father got us first class," I said to Scarlett.

She laughed. "He'll do anything to get me to New York."

"Even let me come!" It had been hard trying to get me to join Scarlett on her voyage. I really didn't want to at first. But now, seeing the ship for the first time, I couldn't jump out of our automobile fast enough. My mother was worried about me, like any mother would. My brothers were jealous, as they couldn't quite understand why I was leaving. My father had left us when I was two, my brother Ben was five, and my other brother Andrew was seven.

Now I was 16, and ready to embark on our new adventure. Of course, I was young, but my mother was convinced all would be alright, and so was I.

"Where are we even going?" I asked Scarlett.

"I have no clue." She looked at a map she brought of the ship.

"Let's ask him." I pointed to a nice young looking man in a ship uniform.

I walked over to him with the map. "Excuse me, sir?" I tapped on his shoulder.

He turned around. He was gorgeous. His eyes were a light grey and his hair was a dark brown. It was cut into a neat buzz cut. He smiled at me, showing off his dimples.

"Yes, miss? May I assist you?"

"I uh, just, uhm..." I pointed to the map. I couldn't even speak. I was too stricken by his beauty.

"Where's our room?" I heard Scarlett behind me.

The man laughed. "Well, let me lead you there." He held out his arm for me to take. I stared at it, not knowing what to do.

He leaned down to my ear. "It's an arm. You may take it if you wish." He laughed lightly.

My face was burning. I took his arm as someone else came give Scarlett his. We started walking off the deck. We went through a door and ended up in a long narrow hallway.

"Your room is on the end. It's actually one of the largest rooms on the ship! You must be of very high class," said the man with Scarlett.

She laughed. "Well, my father is actually bestfriends with the captain. Plus, he'll do just about anything to get me to come to New York."

"Well, you're in safe hands," said the man who had my arm. He looked at me and flashed his million dollar smile again.

"I don't doubt it," I said, kind of flirty like. We got to the end of the hallway. "What's your name, sir?"

He tipped his hat. "I am Admiral Gregory Sheeran. If you ever need anything, ask for me. I'll take care of you right away. And you are?"

"Ruby Horan. This is Scarlett Styles." I pointed over to Scarlett who was in deep conversation with the man next to her.

"Well," he said, taking my hand, "once again, if you ever need anything at all, you ask for me." He lightly kissed my hand. My heart skipped a beat.

"I won't forget that, Admiral." I smiled. He waved and walked to the man with Scarlett. They then walked down the hallway and out of sight.

"I'm officially in love!" Scarlett squeled. "He was hilarious and sweet and charming. I could just plant a kiss on him right now!"

I laughed. "What was his name?"

"Admiral Nicholas Payne."

"Wow. Everyone's name's who work here are so formal. I love it."

We giggled a little in the hallway before entering our rooms. At first glance, we knew we would be living the life of luxury for the next few weeks.


Hey everyone! I am loving writing this story. I love the Titanic so much and everything about it interests me. I love learning about it and everything.

So tell me what you think about this story so far! I'm dedicating this chapter to my bestfriend Julia, aka jujuforthewin ! go read her story, it's beyond amazing. (:

hope to hear from all of you! leave me some of your guys' books in the comments!

xoxo. Sam. (:

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