"Wishing you joined the careers now...huh?"

She spat at me.

I gave her an annoyed and unamused look.

"Nah....I wouldn't have time to take care of amateurs."

She swung her other arm at me and I grabbed her wrist pushing the knife away from my face.

"You mean like her?"

She ripped away pointing her dagger at something off in the distance. Her face shown of pure evil and I had a feeling what I was going to see would not be good. As soon as I saw what she was pointing at I knew who it was; Brisa. That's when I saw something that brought panic into my heart. The girl with red hair was aiming a crossbow at Brisa. Brisa was facing away so she wouldn't be able to see the girl that was threatening her life. My heart was beating through my chest. I had to warn her.

"Brisa! Watch out!-"

She flipped around. I tried desperately to motion to the girl, but that's when Ombré started trying to fight me again. She kicked my stomach sending me to the ground. Strong boy walked up to me with an evil smile, and he swung his fist at my face. I had been so distracted by warning Brisa that I wasn't able to protect myself. The boy's strong spikes sunk into my face and I cried out in pain. I held my hand up to my face as I swung my blade at the boy with my other hand. I tried to sit up but as I did ombré sent her knife ay my leg. I moved to try to dodge her blade, but I was too slow and it scraped across the side of my leg. I muffled a groan as shocks of pain ran through my thigh. She had climbed on top of me pinning me to the ground as she placed her knife at my throat.

"Look who's at our mercy....the boy who was predicted to win, and his girlfriend being chased down by an expert in bows...I just wish there was a way you could see her face as an arrow plunges through her heart....any last words loverboy?"

Strong boy was standing over her. My life was in the hands of Ombré. I tried to find any way I could get out of this mess. I knew the capitol wouldn't let me die, so they would help me right?

"I think you're underestimating my odds princess."

She punched me in the face forcing me to stop talking. My vision was blurred by what looked to be blood. My leg was seizing in pain and I hoped the capitol would do something quickly before I lost too much blood.

If I could get my arm up I would be able to stab her, but because of ombré, that wasn't an option.

I could feel the knife getting closer to my throat just as a weird sound came from the forest beside us. Both the careers looked over. Something started to seep up from the ground and I could feel it. A white hase started filling the area. It was fog, and it wasn't natural. The capitol was saving me.

Ombré looked around confused and panicked.

"Chill Velvet it's just fog."

Said the boy from 2.

She gave him a frustrated look.

"What if it's poisonous?"

She said urgently.

The boy pointed at me.

"Then he would be the first to die right?"

This was my chance. I started coughing as the fog became thicker.

"He's just bluffing."

He said confidently.

The fog wasn't really toxic but if I could get them to believe it was, I would be able to get away. I coughed more and started holding my breath to make it look like I was choking.

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