Chapter 27: Dancing Like Kanye

Start from the beginning

"You're going to lose it." He told me, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Am not."

"Are too!" He shouted.

"Okay, I'm not going to lose it." I decided to put the leather jacket on, on top of my blue warriors t-shirt.

"That way I won't drop it or anything. I can't let you be right." I smirked, and he looked at me like I did something wrong.

His leather jacket smelled like him. Like Old Spice with a mix of cologne. It was warm too, and it enveloped me with it. I really liked this jacket...a lot. It would be nice to have one like it.

"Oh, relax. It's not like I'm going to get it dirty or anything." I rolled my eyes, leading the way back to our seats.

"It's not that. It's just that no one, and I mean no one has worn that jacket other than Skull and I." He told me, reminiscing about his previous gang days.

"Right. Is it okay? I can take it off." I didn't want to offer that mainly due to the fact that it was starting to get a little cold out.

"No, it's fine. Just don't lose it. Whatever you do." He eyed me, his chocolate brown eyes practically piercing my blue ones.

"I won't. I promise. Now, let's go." I led him back to the bleachers.

We were extremely cautious of the scary guys from the gang seeing us, and also Lina and my friends seeing us. I made it to the bleachers first, taking my original seat next to Lina and Jace. I had told them I was going to the bathroom originally, which I was supposed to until I was caught up with Andrew's situation.

Andrew came after me, Shelby eyeing his new appearance, and constantly trying to take his hat off. He tried shoving her hands out of the way, but she would never get the hint. He finally had to distance himself from her, putting poor Eli between the two of them. But it didn't matter to him, he took interest in a girl that was sitting in front of them and kept staring at her ass. Not that him being like this is too much of a surprise.

The scoreboard read 14 to 21. We were losing. We were on defense, which Lina was going insane about, and the crowd bursted into constant chatter and applause for their team.

I looked around for the bad guys, and they were sitting on the bottom part of the bleachers, eating popcorn and scanning the crowd occasionally. They were trying to blend in, which looked difficult to them because of their scary physique.

I looked over at Andrew to make sure if he was okay, and I earned a scowl from Shelby. She was looking my way, telling me to turn back around. She must've knew I was trying to look at Andrew.

I saw him behind her, and he gave me a nod and a thumbs up. I nodded back and returned my attention back to the game.

There was only 10 minutes left.


The score was 28-21.

We scored another touchdown just after they scored theirs. I give them credit though, Forest Hills, they have a damn good defense. It took us five minutes to make several first downs and go down the field. But we did and scored.

After we scored another touchdown, we gave it to the other team for a punt return. Our defense played as hard as they could, and eventually made an interception and ran for another touchdown. The score was 28-21 them.

But unfortunately for them, we didn't give up. We made sure that they didn't score so that we wouldn't go into overtime. So, we played defense extremely well, making sure the other team didn't gain any yardage.

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