Chapter 33 {The End}

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Five and a half years later you were cooking while feet were running around the house.

"Mommy!" Your little boy, Ryan, yelled from down the hall.

"Mommy doesn't take sides." Your husband yelled.

Ryan ran into the kitchen and grasped onto your leg.

"Danny I take Ryan's side." You said turning to face Danny who was catching his breath from chasing Ryan around.

His mouth dropped and Ryan chuckled.

"Thanks mommy." He said smiling up at you.

Danny bent down in front of you to get to Ryan and pointed at him.

"This war isn't over."

Ryan stuck out his tongue.

"You two." You chuckled again and fluffed up your little boys hair.

"Now I gotta go fix my hair. Thanks mommy." Ryan said playfully stomping towards the bathroom.

Danny came over to you and kissed you.

The doorbell rang and Danny groaned pulling away.

"I got it!" Your little boy yelled.

You and Danny walked over to Ryan who opened the door for your best friend, Ali, and her husband Paul.

"Uncle Paul." Ryan yelled hugging him.

"Hey what's up lil dude?" Paul said and picked him up.

"Hey sweetie." Ali said walking in and hugging you.

"Hey." You said hugging her back.

After a while dinner was ready and you all started eating.

Danny and Paul were talking about one thing and you and Ali were talking about another while Ryan played with his toy car running in along the side of his plate. You looked up at him and he smiled his toothless smile at you.

Once dinner was over you all sat I'm the living room hanging out and opening Christmas presents from each other.

While you, Paul and Ali were opening some of your guys stuff, Danny was helping Ryan set up some new toys he'd just opened.

"Mommy this is so cool!" Ryan yelled running over to you and wrapping you into a hug.

Ali awed.

"You're welcome sweetheart." You said kissing his head.

Later on Ali and Paul left and Ryan had passed out on the floor with his new stuffed bear wrapped in his arms.

"I got him." Danny said going over and picking up your son and walking him upstairs.

Danny came back down after putting Ryan in bed.

He pulled you into him on the couch and you laid you head on his chest.

"Man." You said.

"What?" Danny said resting his chin on your head.

"I love my family." You said holding up your wedding ring and admiring it.

"And we love you too."

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