Chapter 20

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When you got back to the apartment, you went straight to your room and laid down.

"Ky." Danny yelled from down stairs.

You groaned.

"Kyrn?" Danny said coming closer, his voice getting louder.

"What?" You yelled back.

"We're going to the store c'mon." He said from outside your room.

"I don't want to go." You groaned back.

"Kyrn you never know if he'll come or not. Just don't risk anything and come with me."

"No." You said sternly.

"Fine be that way." He yelled.

You heard him run downstairs and slam the door.

You got up and went into the bathroom. You looked into the mirror and sighed.

You walked back out to see a dark figure in the corner.

"No no no." You said and stepped back into the closed door.

"I'm here like I said I'd be." Tyler said coming into the light.

"Why do you want me back?" You cried.

He pushed up against you and pinned your hands above your head.

"Because I need you, babe."

He started kissing your neck. You kicked him multiple times before you gave out and closed your eyes waiting for him to stop.

"Just say you want me." He whispered in your ear.

"Never." You said back.

"Okay have it your way." He said then suddenly started kissing your lips.

The door slammed downstairs and he pulled away from your lips. You took the time him to knee him where the sun doesn't shine and he fell to the ground leaving your arms free. You kicked him a few more times to make sure he was on the ground for a while and ran out of the room to see Paul down stairs.

"He's here! Call 911 now Paul!" You yelled down to him.

"Okay okay. Come down here please." He said holding his phone dialing 911 and holding his arm out.

You ran down and ran into his chest and started crying.

"They're on their way." He said and hung up.

He lead you to the couch and stroked your head.

There was a knock on the door a few minutes later and Paul told you to go into the kitchen and clean up.

"He's upstairs." Paul said and heard him lead the officers upstairs.

"Okay." One of them said and then said something into their walkie-talkie.

"Let go of me." You heard Tyler say a couple minutes later.

"Sorry sir, but you have the right to remain silent."

You whipped a falling tear as the front door closed.

"Kyrn." Paul said from the living room. "The officer wants to talk to you."

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