Chapter 14-Betrayal

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1 week later

Y/N's pov

"KIM Y/N!" Jihyo's voice came through the intercom while I was busying myself with preparing for the group duel. Not to brag, but I have been put at the front row with Mina.

"Y/N!" Jihyo shouted again, trying to get my attention. "Yes, yes, what?" I replied impatiently, attaching more grenades to my belt.

"Don't give me attitude, WHY ISN'T THE TARGET DEAD?! THE CLIENT IS LITERALLY COMPLAINING AND IS THREATENING TO SHUT US DOWN!" I flinched. Jungkook is threatening to shut us down huh?

"I'm sorry, Jihyo! Just a few more days!"

"Y/N! Let's go!" Mina opens my door and signals for me to go with her. "Alright babe, coming!"

"Kim Y/N you are not to hang up on me!" Jihyo said sternly.

"Sorry Jihyo I really got to go!"

"Y/N! Don't you dare! Y/N-" I turned the intercom off and shoved it in my pocket. "Sorry Jihyo." I mumble as I ran out to join my girlfriend.

"Ready? You're going to be at the front with me, Joy, Taehyung, Yoongi and Eunha." Mina slid her hand into mine, leading me to the Jeep in which we would drive to the place of the duel.

"Very honoured." I kissed her cheek.

"Hey Joy!" I wave to the tall girl who was already seated on the Jeep. "Y/N! Glad to have you here!" Joy grins at me.




"Hey, Mina?" "Yea, babe?" "Is Jungkook going to be there?" "Maybe, maybe not. It depends." Mina shrugs. "Oh, we're here. Come on." She takes my hand.

(Time skip to when they and the rival team are facing each other ready for battle because the author doesn't know how to make the bridge interesting so why not)

"I guess Jungkook isn't here?" Mina asks the representative of The Were Dragons. "Yes. He knows the outcome of this duel. Thus he decides that his presence is unnecessary and a waste of time." The hooded representative says in an unnaturally Low voice. "Why? Because he knows he's going to lose? Pft." I snigger.

"Don't be too quick to judge, Kim Y/N." The voice went higher, it sounded a lot like a girl's and it was strangely familiar. "And why is that so?" I challenge, folding my arms. The person removes her hood and I gasp.

Minatozaki Sana. Oh shit.

She was a traitor. Betrayed Jihyo and the company. Exposing us to the cops, forcing us to restart our company from scratch. On a mission, she disappeared all of a sudden and on that same day, men in black suits appeared at our hidden company, demanding us to follow them to the government agency.

Of course, it was not difficult for assassins to fight their way out. But it was not just about us fighting. As we were fleeing from the men in black, the sight of Minatozaki Sana smirking while folding her arms, the words that left her mouth etched into my mind forever.

"I warned you not to trust me." (Game of thrones reference, anyone?)

The first time she stepped into Jihyo's office, her shyness stood out. She looked like an angel, quiet and ready to learn. "Y/N will be coaching you." Jihyo smiled at the new girl and nudged me forward.

"Hi! I'm Minatozaki Sana and I'm looking forward to learn much from you!" Her innocence fooled everyone. Even me. Top notch assassin fooled for the first time.

Sana grins at me. "Y/N senpai, it's great to see you again!" Her voice snaps me back to the present. Mina throws me a confused glance. I glare at the traitor. "Do not call me that, traitor."

"Says you." What?

"Kim Y/N is an assassin. Sent to kill you, Myoui Mina."

Oh fuck.

Sana's lips curl up into a sweet smile that I despise so much.

"I just thought you should know, you know? It's not nice to keep secrets from your boss, right Y/N?" Sana throws a brown envelope at Mina, who catches it with ease.

I feel my face pale as Mina opens the envelope and starts pulling out my mission papers.

I should probably run.


A/N: HI I'm sorry for not updating its cos I was... addicted to mangas and anime ._. Oh gosh and I'm hooked to Citrus yes it's amazing y'all need to read it / watch it. Anyway vote and comment ~ and school's starting soon yay

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