Chapter 13- Secrets

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Y/N's pov

Since I was given a 3 day break after recovering from the thigh injury, I was using this time to spy on the Were Dragons to kill the person trying to kill my Minari.

On text

You: Hey I'm going to go visit Nayeon again, babe.

My Penguin🐧💖: Alright, don't break the window again.

My Penguin🐧💖: I'll be presenting the strategy to my dad. See you later, tiger. Love you !

You: Hey I won't break the window ! And good luck on your presentation, love you too baby ❤️

"Nayeon, I'm going to Were Dragons HQ." I switched off my phone and jumped out of the window. 
"Hello, Y/N. Pleasure to see you again." Jungkook walks to me, running a hand through his hair. Forcing a smile, I chuckle, "Yes, nice to see you again Mr Jeon." "Jungkook, please." He shoots me a charming smile.

"Right, Jungkook." "So Y/N, your job is to be my secretary." Shit what secretary? I can't be his secretary while being in the Devastators. "Y/N?" "Ah yes, of course sir." I mentally face palmed myself for saying that.

"Brilliant! I'll have you in my office right" He winks at me again before gesturing for me to follow him to his office.

As I follow him, I saw a familiar silhouette in the darkness. I blinked, but it disappeared.

Must be the light. I shrugged.

"So Y/N, these are the files of all the people we've eliminated. I need you to organise them." Jungkook points at a drawer and I nod. "I'll leave you to it...hun." Cringing, I ignore him and get to sorting the files.

Before he walks out, he passes his hand by my thigh before sending me another wink. I really need to report this guy for sexual harassment.

"Hmm wow there are even files from 9 years ago!" 

I take out the dusty files and opened them. "Kim Han Bin... Lee Cho Rong... they killed them 9 years ago." 

"Y/N..." Nayeon's voice was solemn. 


"Kim Han Bin and Lee Cho Rong were your parents. Do you not remember?" 


"The people who came to assassinate my parents were the Were Dragons?! Why the fuck would they need to be killed by a mafia gang? They were'not even associated with—oh shit they were involved in mafia business and I never knew about it! That would be the only reason they'd be assassinated! Shit shit shit what if the Were Dragons find out my identity?!" 

"I'm sure they won't if you don't leave the file cases out in the open, Y/N.

Ah, right. I quickly closed the files and placed it neatly back into the drawer.

"Oh and Y/N? Logically speaking, if your parents were assassinated by the Were Dragons, it would mean your parents were in the Devastators. Because the Were Dragons' rival is the Devastators." 

"Perhaps." I mumble as I keep the files and push in the drawer. "I should go ask Jungkook about it."

Walking around the headquarters to find Jungkook, I find him in an isolated room, talking on the phone. 


I was cut off when I heard Jungkook's angry shouts. "What do you mean your assassin hasn't done her job?! You said she was the best! I'm paying a lot to kill the Devastators' heir!" My eyes widened. 

Jungkook was the client?!

Oh shit the client has been flirting with me and I've been flirting back?! Well not really, BUT STILL! 

Running away from the room, I found a secluded area to speak to Nayeon. "Nayeon? Jungkook wants my girlfriend dead. He's the one." 

??? Pov

I watched as Jungkook slammed the phone onto the desk. Emerging from the darkness of the room, I look at the heir. "The girl—the new girl isn't what she claims to be."

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"She's the assassin you hired and she's trying to spy here. She is also the girlfriend of the person you want dead." 

"What the fuck? I led the enemy right in?!"

"No. She would not expose herself to Mina. You need to play smart. The assassin is intelligent, ruthless. Mina, as clever as she is, if you push the right buttons, she'll fall right into the trap."

"What do you propose we do?" I give Jungkook a smirk.




"Very well, we'll do as planned, Sehun." 


A/N: Annyeong sorry for not updating !! I was on holiday and the wifi really sucked but anyway here's a new chapter! Vote and comment ~ 

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