Alfred and Peter looked at each other and grinned.

"Score!" They yelled together.

~(to dinnertime)

Everyone was sitting in the cafeteria that the Italy's had found and decided to us it in stead of the meeting room. Matthew was thankful for that cause his boss would have his head if that were to happen.

"Ve~ foods done!!" Feliciano chriped.

The nation's smiled at the Italian and started to dig in. There was lots of pasta, garlic toast, salads and tomato salad.

The nation's sat with their friends and started to chat. Matthew sat with Kumakio who was eating a salmon that the Canadian had found.

Matthew only had salad and it was small that it wouldn't last an hour or two.

"Eat more." Kumajour said.

"I'm not that hungry Kumakio if I get hungry then I'll get something to eat." Matthew said to his friend.

Kuma looked at his master with worry. When Matthew finished he put his dish away and saw that the others heading to the meeting room. He walked into the room and took a seat and saw that he was beside Kiku and Lukas.

"Alright I saw we read a few more then we'll call it a night." Ludwig said and the others nodded.

"I'll read dudes!!" Alfred declared.

The book was passed to the American, Alfred  grinned as he opened the book and he found the reading before frowning. The others looked confused at the look, but Alfred glanced up before clearing his throat to speak.

When Matthew say's that he is 'fine' or that he isn't 'hungry' he is lying. He, like his brother, has been told that he eats too much and that he is fat. He has very low self-esteem do to mix ups between him and his brother.

The nation's looked around to see who until Lukas and Kiku looked between them to see Matthew hugging kumajour.

"What did you eat for dinner, Matthew?" Lukas asked, worry in his voice.

"I'm fine really... I had some salad. I... I'm okay really." Matthew muttered.

He hugged his polar bear closer to his chest. Alfred frowned at his twin, he knew that Matthew loved his Maple syrup but that doesn't mean he's fat!

"Mat-" Alfred started but was cut off by a growl.

Kumajour could sense his Master's panic. Matthew was looking at the table and refuse to look at anyone.

"We should continue reading, da?" Ivan said, a childish smile on his pale lips.

The American huffed before continuing.

Dear journal,

Today the French pervert came to visit and this time brought a mini French pervert with him. The tomato muncher forced me to 'socialize' with the other.... It turns out the kid's name is Matthieu.... But I call him Matt. He is very shy and he nothing like the French wine drinker. I can't wait to see him again cause he is the only person that is sane!

Lovino blushed as he sunk lower in his seat, Matthew looked at the South Italian with wide eyes. Matthew never new that Lovino would want to see him. After the first visit Francis declared that Lovino was to much of a 'bad influence' for the Canadian so Matthew never saw Lovino again until he came to the meetings.

"Do you mean that you wanted to see me when I was still Francis colonie?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah, cause you were the only one who isn't stupid like some nation's that I know!" Lovino snapped.

Ivan started his creepy 'kols' and Lovino gulped.

"I... I didn't mean you!"

Everyone shivered as the Russian smiled.

"Okay dudes last one because this hero needs his Heroic rest!" Alfred shouted.

There were nods of agreements and Alfred continued.

Peter would play some chest with Scotland or Wales so he can play against Arthur and become a nation. So far it is 20-15.

Arthur looked at the micro-nation with surprise, along with the others as well.
Matthew smiled knowing that Peter was doing well since it was Scotland who taught him and Alfred who to play.

"Peter you wanted to play against me?" Arthur asked.

Peter blushed before noding. Arthur smiled and patted the micro on the head.

"Well let's leave it here and call it a night. We'll continue on tomorrow." Ludwig said.

The other nations got up and left the room complaining about how their butts and backs hurt. Matthew waited for everyone to leave and watched the book vanish.

The Canadian looked at the ceiling and frowned as tears gathered into his eyes.

"Why *daddy why are you doing this to me! Did I disappoint you? Did I fail! I'm sorry if I did!* I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" Matthew cried.

Peter was standing outside of the meeting room with Lukas next to him. They heard the Canadian cry. Ivan walked up to them and cleared his throat scaring the two before smiling.

"Have you seen Matvey?" He asked.

Before they could answer Matthew came out with Kuma in his arms. The blond looked shocked to see them before giving them a shy smile.

"Do you need something, eh?" Matthew asked.

His eyes were red and puffy, his pale cheeks had tears streaks and red from rubbing. They shook their heads and the Canadian nodded and left.

"I think that we should keep an eye on him... And try to include him in our groups." Peter said softly.

"Ja/Da." Lukas and Ivan said together.

They soon left for their rooms and went to bed. The Russian saw Matthew fast asleep with Kuma in his arms and the blanket poorly covering him. The pale blond Russian chuckled softly before tucking the Canadian in before turning in for the night.



I hope that you like this chapter, we are seeing some secrets and Matthew is trying to play the 'Everything in my life is fine' card. But we have other nations who have secrets. So keep reading to find out more!

Peace out my little chibi readers!!!

Have a great new year!!

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