I pull something behind the mirror of the cabinet and stare at the blade, my hands were ichy since I cut my thumb, It was my fault, the thirst of hurting myself was awoken.

"They will found out." I muttered to myself before lifting up the front part of the sweater and slowly cutting the skin on my belly.

I moan in satisfaction and continue making cuts, it has been a while since I cut and I couldn't help but to slowly drown to the feelings inside me.

  Iori and all of my brothers were worried, Natsume-nii is even downstairs just to make sure that I made it home with Louis-nii, I made them worried over me.

Why am I even here!?

Tears of hatred for myself slowly fall from my eyes, I don't understand myself anymore, my mood swings are being worse than before, I don't want this!

  I don't even know why they started giving me attentions, I feel like they're playing with my emotions.


I stare up to my father with my big doe eyes, he look at me before kneeling down to my level, I look behind him to see his luggage and other important things, I'm only 10 years old and I still need a father, me and my brothers needs him.

"Where are you going, father?" I ask with a teary eyes.

"I'm sorry my princess but father needs to go, he needs to give peace in this house, hmmm." he said, I hug my fathers neck with my arms as I cry on his shoulder.

"Don't go, I don't want you to go, I promise! I will study harder this time! I will be the best!" I whimpered, father look at me and stare at my other eye.

"I love you and always remember that your eyes are beautiful." he said and kissed my forehead before standing up and leaving us.

  Mother doesn't hate me because I have a mismatched eyes, she hates me because my eyes reminds her of our father. Since then, my mother always pushes me and pressured me about school.


  I walk lazily to school as Mitsube and I waited for Kiyoko and Riku, Iori and I had breakfast earlier but I didn't talked to him a lot because I'm still sleepy, I couldn't sleep last night and I just read some of my academic books.

"Ne Serene, Sora sensei wants to see you to his faculty office." Kiyoko said as she walk to us, she said that he's been finding me since yesterday and I'm absent, I press my fingers on the eye patch that I wore before turning my back.

"Hai, be careful." I said and walk to the faculty office.

Sora sensei is sitting down on his swivel chair inside his office when I enter it, his hair is a little disheveled and it gives him the look of a highschool student playboy.

"Sit down, Serenity-san." sensei said and sigh, he looks at all of the papers in front of him before putting them aside.

"What's the reason of me being called in here, sensei?" I ask, Sora sensei looked in my eyes before shaking his head.

"I just want to give you the thropy of the competition, it was given to me yesterday by Tamaki sensei but you're absent yesterday." sensei said, "Are you okay, Serenity-san? the bags under your eyes is looking bigger than the other day." he added but I shook my head.

Why would he be concern to a student like me?

"Thanks for the concern sensei but I think, being a teacher doesn't concern you that much about the health of your student." I said and stood up but before I turn my back, Sora sensei grab my arm and pull me back, I hissed.

That's the spot where I cut yesterday after cutting the skin on my belly.

"G-Gomen, are you okay?" he ask, concern is lacing his voice, I avoided his eyes.

"I suggest that you leave me alone, sensei." I said before walking out his office and slamming the door.

  He doesn't need to know, he doesn't need to know that I'm a suicidal maniac, because I don't deserve everyone around me, I need to lock myself more and throw away the key of my happiness.

So, sensei, please don't find it anymore, I don't even want my brothers to find it because in front of them, I can smile like I used to be, I can show them the old Serenity but I can't never allow myself to show them the real me, the broken Serenity.

Sorry for my wrong grammars and typos!


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