Chapter 1: Lucy Heartfilia

Start from the beginning

Now we are heading towards my favorite room in the whole place the schools huge library. I'm so excited I can't wait anymore and we are almost there. 

"Ok and this is the library that I help out at on free period" Lev says. 

"So you like books to I absolutely love them" I say. 

"No way I thought I would never find anyone who loves books as much as I do but I think you do best friends" Lev says in one big breath. 

"Oh course best friends Lev" I answer. 

We exit the library and head towards my first class unfortunately Lev and I only have one class together after lunch. So Lev is taking me to my first class then heading to hers. We are now at my first class and Lev has informed my teacher that I'm a new student. From inside I heard a man's voice say "Come on in and introduce yourself to the class". 

I walk in and say "Hi I'm Lucy and I'm happy to meet all of you". 

"Ok Lucy I'm Mr. Strauss and you may take a seat next to Natsu, Mr. Dragneel please raise your hand" the man says. 

I walk towards my seat when I realize who I'm sitting next to its Dragneel and I'm not happy about it at all. I'm doing my work and paying attention to class when I hear 

"Lucy would you please come up and solve this problem". So I walk up to the front off the class and solve the problem then stare straight at Dragneel and smirk. He just glares at me and I sit back down in my seat.

- time skip to lunch -

    Its finally lunch time and I'm heading towards my locker and somebody bumps into me 

"Ow" I say. 

"Hey what where your going Blondie" someone says in a cold tone. I look up to see non other then Dragneel standing in front of my. 

"Hey you where the one that bumped into me Dragneel so why don't you watch where your going" I say back angry.

 He gives me a cold glare and walks off , I continue to head for the cafeteria. 

When "Hey Lu what up" I hear a certain blue haired best friend say.

 I turn around to see Lev " Oh hey Lev what's up". 

"Well Lu you are going to meet my other friends now" Lev says excited.

 We walk into the cafeteria and buy food then head to a table with two other people at it. One has long wavy blue hair and the other has long straight scarlet colored hair. 

"So Lu this is Juvia Lockser" Lev says pointing to the blue haired girl

 "Hi nice to meet you" Juvia says. 

"And this is Erza Scarlet" Lev says pointing to the the scarlet haired girl 

"Hello nice to make your acquaintance" Erza says. 

"Hi I'm Lucy" I say. 

"Oh so you are Lucy by the way if you ever need anything you can come to me I'm the student body president" Erza says. 

So she is the student body president that's why she speaks so formal. We ate lunch together and I learned that Juvia has a huge crush on Gray and Lev seems to like that Gajeel guy even though she denies it. As for Erza I'm pretty sure she has a thing for Jellal I  wont lie out of all of them Dragneel is the most attractive but he's a jerk so I would never dream of dating him. Wait why is he glaring at me I know because he's the only person that can hurt with a glare. It feels like little tiny daggers. 

"What so you want Dragneel" I say whipping my head around to face him. 

"Why do you have to be so annoying Blondie" he says. 

"Your the one glaring at me Dragneel" I shoot back. 

It went on until the end of lunch but we where pretty quiet considering it was an argument. Think that's because Dragneel doesn't talk to anybody except his friends.

- time skip to the end of school -

I'm suppose to go meet Lev, Erza, and Juvia at the gates to Fairy Tail. When I arrive it's only me and Lev. 

"Ok what's going on between you and Natsu?" Lev asks. 

"Well I don't like Dragneel that's all" I reply. 

"Its more like you guys are in a war" Lev says. 

"Whatever why are we even talking about Dragneel he's an asshole" I retort. 

"Ok don't kill me now Lu I was just curious" Lev says with her hands up like she surrenders. 

"Sorry Lev he just pisses me off that's all" I say. 

"That's ok Lu" Lev answers. 

Then Erza and Juvia show up. 

"Hey guys why don't we go to the cafe together" Erza suggests. 

"That's a Greta idea" I say. 

"Why not" Juvia and Lev say together. 

My first day wasn't so bad I made some kind friends and it's a fresh start from what happened so I couldn't be happier in this moment but I still miss you mom.

Hey guys Lucy here and I'm sorry if this is to short or not that great it is my first fanfic.

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