24 - "When The Hunter's Become The Hunted"

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Ty'kerah had her phone to her ear in an intense conversation with somebody. Lotus was too far to hear what was being said, nor did he care. As soon as he approached the phone was gently taken from her ear as he ended the call, ending it as he softly put her phone back in her hand.

Ty'kerah turned and looked at him with a harsh venom. She wanted to ask him if he had lost his fucking mind—it was her grandmother he had hung up on. But she chose not to go off; Lotus had that type of personality where it wasn't good to have both of them mad at the same time. Instead she ignored him, arms folded and looking down at the ground.

"What are you doing? I thought I told you that I had your back."

Ty'kerah repeatedly tapped her foot, ignoring the ringing of her cellphone in her hand. She knew it was her grandmother but she also knew better then to answer it right now. "Oh, so you think you did back there?" She asked, her voice was calm though.

"I definitely think I did, what do you think I was suppose to do Barbie? Make it worst by yelling and screaming?"

"Yelling and screaming? Lotus you didn't even say a word."

The truth was he didn't because he'd never been so embarrassed in his life. He'd been coming to these functions since he was seventeen and never once caused a scene. Tonight, it was his own inner circle that changed that. While he did think Ty'kerah did a good job, he felt she could have handled herself better.

"Egging her on was not making it better." Lotus said softly. He rested his hand on the wall close to her head. They were in a long hallway that still had a few people scattered here and there, but it was mainly very quiet.

"Egging her on? So your sister wasn't the one being the jackass in that situation?"

"I'm not talking about Cilia right now, I'm talking about you."

"It doesn't work like that, Lotus. She's your sister I understand that but I'm a person as well. Your family doesn't get to talk down on me and I'm just going to let them. If she wants respect she has to give it. You have the wrong girlfriend if you think I'm going to be their physical or verbal punching bag."

"Do you hear yourself?"

"Quiet fucking well."

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