13 - "Death Sentence"

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Lotus stood beside White Locus who sat in the wooden chair, in the vacant stash house. As usual Lotus was in a designer suit, looking like he was about to attend a business meeting. Locus herself was dressed more causally in a knee length Summer dress, but she too like her older brother never stepped foot outside unless it was designer.

The two had gotten a call early this morning that Levi was murdered close to his home. Lotus and Locus scheduled an emergency meeting to figure out what happened. He was alive less than twenty four hours ago and now he was dead. The only people who would know what happened were the ones who were last with him.

Locus sat with her Cartier shades on and her His Majesty's cigar between her lips. She was stressed out, but it wasn't because of Levi's murder. She couldn't care less about anybody who worked for her. Soldiers came a dime a dozen—good soldiers however didn't and that was what her problem was. Though Levi did some things that weren't the smartest, like pose on social media, he actually put in a lot of work. He was a good asset to the team and they had lost that.

Releasing the cigar smoke from her nose, Locus replayed the news segment on her phone that explained Levi's death. "Who do you think it was?"

Lotus shrugged, idly scraping the bottom of his alligator shoe against the concrete. "Don't know honestly, Levi ran his mouth a lot. No telling if it was one of the guys that did the drop with him, someone else from our team he had problems with or some outside beef. Maybe it was some random person he got into it with and they did him in right there."

White Locus didn't say anything because she knew he could have been right. Levi loved attention and to be seen, but she didn't need turmoil among her team. She needed them to act and work together. It was exactly 1:00 in the afternoon when the door opened and Allele, Taj and Cole walked through the door. That was the time they were told to arrive, no later.

As they approached the Hunter kids watched them carefully. Nobody's body language displayed that they had something to hide.

"Who knows why you were called here?"

The only person that raised their hand was Taj. Unbeknownst to the other two, White Locus spoke to Taj earlier. He was the one who heard Levi died and gave the message to the two bosses.

"I sent you four to do a drop yesterday and only three of you come back. What happened to the other one?" She questioned.

It was silent for a moment until Cole finally got it, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked around now noticing Levi wasn't here. "Oh shit, what happened to him?" He had done a few jobs with him and though they weren't the best of friends, Levi was still a young kid that had a life ahead of him, he felt bad.

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