Chapter VI- Every Breath

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What jin looks like ^^^^^^^^^


“you never fail to make me fall for you all over again jungkook”

Jungkook pulled away from taehyung's neck and looked at him with questionable glint in his eyes.

“Again? What you do mean hyung?” jungkook asked while tilting his head to the left to show that he was confused.

“well, long story short. The lover that died to the hands of my father, was you. But not really you exactly it was your ancestor, you're a reincarnation of him, I was alone for so long you wouldn't believe how long. I just missed you” taehyung explained while wrapping his arms around jungkook's smaller body and leaning his head on jungkook's shoulder.

After a while jungkook spoke up in a hushed tone while wrapping his arms over taehyung's shoulders “how long were you alone for?”

“a thousand years, it was hell” taehyung answered in a deep tone while sighing before continuing “ but now I have you back, I'm just so happy i get to hold you again” while looking up at jungkook's eyes while a small smile.

Jungkook smiled back feeling, what was he feeling? glee? Happiness? Or euphoria?? Yes. Euphoria.

He knew that the one he loved was happy. He was happy too that taehyung loved him back just as much if not more. But he couldn't help but wonder how did his ancestor die?

“Taehyung, if you're okay with this could you tell me how my ancestor died to your father?” jungkook asked while snuggling closer to taehyung's chest.

“uhm well...okay….your ancestor got stabbed in the gut with a knife, back then we didn't have knowledge of stitches or medicine so…...he just bled out and died in my arms…. I don't want that to ever happen to you ever….no harm will ever come to you as long as I'm here” taehyung replied while holding jungkook closer to him and standing up gripping jungkook by his thighs and carrying him over to the couch as he walked over sitting down with jungkook still on his lap.

“wow….no wonder..” Jungkook mumbled to himself quietly.

“No wonder what? Is there something you're not telling me?” taehyung asked in a questionable tone.

“well- ah I have a birthmark on my stomach in shape of a knife wound….i thought nothing of it….that was until you told me that” jungkook replies while looking down.

“let me see” taehyung said darkly while lifting up jungkook's jaw to look at him in the eyes.

“s-sure” jungkook stuttered out before lifting up the bottom of his t-shirt to reveal his birthmark.

It was just above his belly-button slap bang in the middle of his stomach. Right where his ancestor was stabbed.

Taehyung looked at it with disbelief then lightly touched it with the pads of his figures and thumb.

Tears started to well up in his eyes as he touched it.

Memories flooded into his mind of what happened.

He remembered it as if it was yesterday.

“hyung? Are you okay?” taehyung's eyes shifted up towards jungkook's eyes as he heard his angelic voice. Then taehyung leant up and cupped the sides of jungkook's face then kissed jungkook’s pale forehead that was covered by his brown hair.

Closing his eyes taehyung let a tear roll down his cheek.

“hyung..?” jungkook asked as he lowered his shirt back down as taehyung pulled away and stroked jungkook's soft cheeks with both of thumbs.

“I'm fine, I just remember that day so clearly in my mind. I wish there was a way to forget” taehyung said as he wiped his tears away.

“hyung, you shouldn't forget, you learnt from it and grew stronger from the past okay? Please do not ever forget” jungkook said in a soft comforting tone.

Taehyung let's a small smile grow on his lips then says “thank you and jungkook, I love you so much”

This made jungkook blush.

“I l-love you t-too taehyung” jungkook stuttered out while smiling like an idiot.

Taehyung then leant forward a brushed their noses together, their lips inches, no centimeters away from each others, every breath jungkook inhaled or exhaled it brushed against taehyung's lips

Both of their eyes locked to each others lips in a content gaze.

They slowly lean in as jungkook slowly wraps his arms around taehyung’s neck and taehyung wrapping his arms around jungkook's smaller waist.

Just as their lips are about to touch….


Both taehyung and jungkook quickly pull away as fast as the speed of light and turn to see


“way to ruin the moment shorty” taehyung scoffs and makes a tsk sound through his teeth. While jungkook looks down and blushes.

“well excuse me but some people need to get to class so they don't get detention” jimin replies while pointing to jungkook.

“oh shoot I'm going to be late- ah bye taetae, I'll talk to you later, bye jimin see you in class later” jungkook quickly replies before running off with blush spread across his cheeks.

“so? Taehyung?? What the hell happened???” jimin asked with a teasing tone laced in his voice.

“ah- well we were about to kiss but a little jamless boy interrupted” taehyung explained.

“HEY I'M NOT JAMLESS…..or little for that matter” jimin stated being his sassy self.

“uh huh.. hey could you tell namjoon I need more of that cranberry juice?” taehyung asked with a smile.

“huh? Sure I guess” jimin said while shrugging then walking back out the door.

Taehyung shrunk down in his seat and looked at the ceiling.

He and Namjoon had a code word for blood

It was cranberry juice.

So whenever he asked someone to ask namjoon for blood, he could just say cranberry juice and when the said person asks namjoon, he'll know what he mean.

It's a good plan.


He wondered

How did jungkook's blood taste like.

He would have to ask.




How was it ??

Don't be a silent reader please.

Vote, comment and share (if you want to) ^^

Now on the 4th to the 19th of January I will be camping with my family, there is no Wi-Fi where I am going so.

With this being said however

I will update this story a day early next week.

And then once I get back I'll upload 3 chapters at once.

I hope that's okay with all of you ^~^”


I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜💜

Also I'll try to make the next chapter longer

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