Jasper Jordan- Weird (c)

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The 100 One Shot

The ark had been your home, but you knew it was fleeting and people were not going to be able to survive on it for long due to the finite resources that were quickly running out. 100 delinquents had been sent back to Earth on what was thought to be a suicide mission to see whether it would be habitable for the residents of the ark. Contact was lost with them, the delinquents removing their trackers, or having all died off, the risk of either was unwished to see.

You had narrowly escaped being one of those delinquents, having been one of the few left behind, but without any other options, you were sent on a smaller pod with a couple of others to be a backup test. You were the only one who survived the trip.

Quickly you found the group of survivors, most of them still alive and kicking, including your friend from the ark, Jasper. The two of you had been inseparable on the ark until you were considered menaces to your floating society.

"I can't believe we're here," you gleamed. "It's Earth, it's the home we should have had, the home we get to have now."

"It's weird isn't it," Jasper laughed.

You nodded your head firmly. "It's so fucking weird, I thought I'd only know this place through books. Rumours of us coming here had been going around for so long but I never thought it would actually happen."

"And just like everything else we do around here, it's about to get weirder," he sighed.

"What else is weird?" You asked.

The whole concept of not being on the ark was weird, how else could it get weirder?

"There are other people here."

"Other people?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah. People who never left, like tribes we read about. They've lived here the whole time in their own mini societies. Earth was always habitable, just not to the extent it had been before."

You had to pause. Everything you knew was a lie. Did the leaders of the ark actually know? Did they know life still thrived here? That life was still continuing even if it wasn't how luxurious as it had once.

"Are they... civil?" You asked, not sure how to word it.

Jasper shrugged. "Kind of. Some of them are, but in most cases, it's best to keep your distance as they do shoot first and ask questions later."

A sigh escaped you. Maybe this world wouldn't be the paradise the ark promised we'd receive if these tests went well. Maybe like was going to be equally shitty.


Written by Charlotte.

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