Blair Waldorf- Hangover (c)

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Gossip Girl One Shot

You were not a good cook, luckily Dorota was and happily cooked up a healthy and filling breakfast that the both of you knew that Blair loved. You put the plate onto a tray, adding a glass of orange juice and a mug of strong black coffee, along with a single rose in a tiny vase with a packet of pain killers. Carefully, you carried the miniature breakfast banquet up the stairs to Blair's room. There was no need to knock as she was your girlfriend and you had left the room to get her the food.

Putting the plate down onto the vanity so that you were able to open the curtains to let the late morning light stream through.

Last night had been a party for something you'd forgotten, and Blair Waldorf didn't party in halves. You however didn't drink so were at a normal level of happiness in the morning, whilst she was sprawled out under the covers attempting to hide her head from the bright light of day.

"Good morning Blair," you smiled warmly.

She let out a grunt, throwing a pillow in your general direction but it missed you by a fair way. You were used to hungover Blair, and although she wasn't a pleasant person when it came to get up in the morning after a night of booze, it could be quite amusing for you.

"Somebody's cranky," you laughed, sitting on the edge of her bed, taking the tray onto your lap.

Blair raised her head from the covers, her eyes squinted as she tried to fight with the light that filled the room. She didn't look impressed with the current situation, and still looked rather tired.

"Somebody needs to shut up," she frowned, rolling onto her back so that she could scoot up into a sitting position.

You moved the tray onto her lap, popping out two pills for her to take, hopefully to help her headache that you knew was making her as groggy as she was currently. She gratefully took the painkillers with her water before grabbing a slice of the toast from the tray and taking a large bite from it.

"You never learn," you frowned.

She shot you a glare, taking in the food as quickly as she could, hoping it would end the hell she was feeling.

"Thank you for breakfast," she whispered, not wanting to seem as though she knew it was her own mistake to have gotten so drunk the night before.

"Anything for you," you smiled, leaning in to kiss her temple.


Written by Charlotte.

Tumblr Request.

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