Tobias Curtis- Festive (c)

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Scorpion One Shot

You sat eagerly by the Christmas tree as Toby wandered into the room, two mugs of hot chocolate in his hand. The darkness of the evening was covering the apartment, the Christmas lights being the main source of light. Toby sat down on the sofa, handing you one of the mugs. It was far too hot to drink, but it warmed your hands which was much needed on the cold December evening.

"Thank you," you smiled, letting your hands wrap around the mug, taking in their warmth.

"Anything for you."

Tony slid from his seat, to join you on the rug on the floor. You fumbled with the brightly wrapped presents until you found the one you desired. A large tag lay onto of the red wrapping paper with Toby's name scrawled on it in your terrible handwriting.

"You can have this one," you said handing the gift to him.

Since you and Toby had been together you opened one present on Christmas Eve each before opening the rest of the festive presents in the morning.

"Do I not get to pick?" He asked.

"Nope," you stated. "This one will be your favourite anyway."

Toby rolled your eyes, placing his mug on the coffee table before ripping into the bright paper. Having wrapped the gift, you knew what was in it, so you were on the edge of your seat, excited to see his expression when he opened it. As a grin curled onto his lips, you knew he had seen it and liked it.

"Thank you," he grinned.

He discarded his black hat that he always wore, throwing it onto the sofa. Pulling out from the box you had wrapped, he held a candy cane stripped hat, the same style as his signature one, with a piece of holly on the rim. It instantly went onto his head, as his smile grew.

Moving onto his knees, he leaned towards you so that he could kiss you gently.

"I love it," he smiled. "It's very festive and certainly a change from my normal one."

"I knew you'd love it. As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to get it for you."

Toby moved back to sit on the rug, a smile on his face still. "I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Toby."

"Here's to another perfect Christmas," he said raising his mug to you.

You dinked your mug on his, both of you taking a sip of the hot chocolate.


Written by Charlotte.

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