11. Suffocate in Squeezes

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What am I saying? Shut up Skye.

"Just came in to... paint!" Yes, paint in the middle of first period. Okay Skye, okay.

He breathed softly getting a chair and sitting by me and began continuing his art, "Mhm..."

"So, your sketch is really good"

Dustin gave a slight smile, nodding as he continued to sketch.

"It's dark... but like amazeberries" He nodded again darkening her hair.

Come on, am I getting the silent treatment or something? I should be the one not talking.



We both turned saying it at the same time.

"You first Skye..."

"No, um you go"

He sighed heavily rubbing the back of his neck letting his soft waves fall on his eyes.

"It's not what you think, with the kiss and all"

"Dude, I don't give a flabba doodle about tha-"

"Skye..." He turned looking at me straight in the eyes; his ocean blue Atlantic ones were faded and darker. "Your right, I shouldn't have let them just clean the mess up, your extremely right..." He sighed shutting his eyes a little then looking back up at me. "Virginia, would you believe I said I don't even know her name until the afternoon?"

"Look I don't wanna know about your daily hook ups where you can't even ask for their name"

"Not like that... I was walking in school with a few new friends, she shoved me against the lockers and tugged me outside. I was too gobsmacked of how strong she was and demanding I didn't have a say. She pulled me outside, shoved her god damn tongue in my mouth, I was drowning"

I flinched at the sound of this but let him continue.

"I tried shoving her off but she slammed me against the wall not giving a damn about the other people around us. She full on gripped me"

"Oh I see, must've loved that" I responded annoyed.

"No... I then saw you walking through which gave me enough energy to push her off and run after you, I want you to understand I'm nothing like that."

His ocean eyes held so much sadness, like it was meant to be blue just to fit that emotion. All my madness and reasons why I was pissed disappeared. And in this moment, his vulnerability caught me by surprise and I wanted to comfort him.

"For weeks now... I couldn't handle not talking to you. I don't know, I mean we hardly talk and the fact I see you through your window a lot kills me too. I guess I love how interesting you are, like a bestseller novel"

I laughed a little and stood up to hug him. I'm a hugger. "A little cheesy there Mr. Goddess"

He laughed back lightly, wrapping his arms around my waist since he was sitting and gave a tight hug, warm and cuddly. Mmm nice hug.

"My bad Ms. Amazeberries" I looked down seeing his famous smirk spread hugging me a little tighter.

I know it's just a hug but it gave me butterflies and tingles starting from my fingertips, and every time he pulled me tighter my head was blown with countless thoughts like 'That chest, that so hard chest is pressing against your tummy. Endure it Skye! Friggen take it', or ' Ugh that heavenly smell, please continue to block my nose and spread through. I want to suffocate in this sheep. Omg and his muscular arms wrapping around me. Ugh I think I might orgasm on the spot.

Look sometimes my mind thinks naughty things and can't stop the endless thoughts, so bare with me.

He hugged me tighter and laughed slightly. "What?" I asked him with a smile

"Nothing, I just like this hug a little too much" He blushed slightly with me still wrapped in his arms.

I bit my bottom lip and smiled. "So why you missing first period?"

"Hm, prefer to be here than guys who check out girls and whistle at their non-butts and undressed selves"

I laughed at the comment then suddenly felt self-conscious of my butt. God dammit, why can't I have a little juice down there?

He must of noticed my shift of mood or air or... a smart word that will define this dilemma because he mumbled against hugging me.

"You have a nice ass don't worry," I felt my cheeks flush then sat back down.

"So what ever happened to teaching me how to ...well do art?" I grinned leaning against the table.

"Well I could ask the same about coming to my house" He chuckled beginning to sketch again.

"Mmm, I'm free this afternoon, you?" I asked, hopefully I didn't sound a little too eager.

"Nope" He answered straight forward.


He laughed looking up at me stopping my mental babbling with "I'm joking, stop overthinking or assuming the worst"

I redden covering my face. "Hah, I knew that"

"Sure you did Ms. Amazeberries, now can I have another hug before the bell rings and before I pack up?"

I smirked leaning casually. "Nah, we'll be here till end of school"

He gave a little shock face making me burst out laughing, so forking cute. "Miss every class? God damn shorty. Aha sure we will"

And with that he swiftly and quickly picked me up from across and hugged me tight, I closed my eyes enjoying the scent and feel. Ugh muscular arms wrapping my waist, squeeze me tighter god dammnit. Maybe squeeze my but- no. Bad.


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