Chapter 29 ~ Make me forget

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Demi´s POV:

I walk and walk, not looking back.

My legs are really weak, my eyes are wet, my heart is broken.

“She doesn´t wake up… She lost too much blood… She´s in a vegetal state right now and she might die anytime soon”

The doctor´s words kept running through her mind, waving around like a strong storm inside of her head that could not leave her alone. It was like the sun was not going to appear.

“Demi!” Wilmer called behind me. He had been walking behind me all the time since I had left the hospital when the doctor had told us my mother´s progress.

“Demi!” He finally reaches my and gently grabs my arm, making me stop and look at him.

“Demi…” He says my name for the third time. I can see in his eyes that he´s worried about me but I also can notice that he doesn´t know what to say.

I wouldn´t know what to say either.

“Wilmer, I want to be alone” I mumble, on the verge of tears. He nods his head and lets go of my hand.

“Call me if you need me, okay?”

I give him an nod. He smiles at me and walks away.

A sigh gets out of me while I turn my body around and walk toward Jades´ house.

I can´t do this anymore… I need to forget.

Wilmer´s POV:

I saw so much pain in her eyes… All I wanted to do was hug her and never let her go. Tell her that everything is going to be alright. That her mom will be okay…

But, somehow, I wasn´t able to do that and now I find myself being worried about my princess…

On my way back to my house, I bump into a familiar face.

“Oh, sorry” I quickly say, trying to figure out why this person is so familiar to me.

“No problem, it was my fault…” He says. “Wait… Aren´t you Wilmer?”

I nod my head twice.

“Yeah, who are you?”

“My name is Tom, I´m Demi´s friend, remember?”

And then I remember.

“Oh, yeah. How have you been, dude?”

“Cool… I was going to see Dem… I heard about her mother accident… What a tragedy, right?”

“Yeah, absolutely, she´s devastated… My poor girl…”

Tom nibbles on his lip nervously.

“But she told me she wanted to be alone some time… So… I don´t know where she is right now…” I honestly tell him. He frowns a bit at first but then he smiles. “She might needs it” He ends up saying.

“Yeah… Wanna come to my house while we wait for her?” I invite him. He agrees without any kind of hesitation and we go to my house where I start preparing us two cups of coffee.

Normally, I would´ve offered beer but it´s cold so… Coffee sounds way better.

Demi´s POV:

I pressed my finger against the door bell and not much later Jade was in front of me. She looked annoyed but when I told her I needed drugs, she changed her face expression and immediately put on her coat and walked me out of there.

We walked and walked until we reached some weird old café.

“Jade… What place is this?” I ask while we enter this abandoned café.

“You wanted drugs, didn´t you?” She asks, not even looking at me. I swallow and nod my head.

“Sh…” She puts one finger on my lips.

“Kevin! It´s me, Jade!” She suddenly, yells, causing me to jump a bit.

And then a guy comes up to us accompanied by two other guys.

“What´s up, Jade?” Kevin gives her a hug.

Kevin isn´t very tall but he seems to be very strong. His skin is very dark and he has got big brown eyes.

“I´m good, I´m good” She smiles and then looks at me. “This girl right here wants to have some fun” Jade announces, still smiling like an idiot.

“Good. The money, please?” Kevin looks at me and I give him a white envelop that contains some money. He looks inside it and seems to be happy with what he sees so he says something into one of the guys´ ear before looking at Jade and me with a smile.

“And what about you, Jade?” He asks. Jade grins at him but shakes her head. “I´m pregnant”

“Woah, seriously?”

“Yup… But… I want it so badly. Bring some for me too!” Jade yells at the other guy.

Kevin laughs a bit and then places his hands on Jade´s waist before pressing his lips against hers, making me gasp lightly.

“Hey, guys!” Suddenly a voice comes from behind us. I automatically turn around and who I see there makes me gasp again.


“Hey, Jus!” Jade squeals like a little girl and runs up to him and… Kisses him!

I can´t believe what I´m seeing…

This girl is a whore!

I roll my eyes at the sight. For my good luck, they soon give me what I needed so I walk away from there. Not wanting to know more about them.

I enter my house and the first thing I see is my dad sitting on the couch, staring at a turned off TV.

“Hey, dad” I mumble. He doesn´t reply so I just walk upstairs and lock myself in my room where I start doing my things.

Before I know it, I loose myself and start to forget.

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