Chapter 23 ~ Acting like a total idiot

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Wilmer´s POV:

I find myself in my car, driving away from this town.

I light up a cigarette and place in in between my lips, letting the smoke wander free in the air while I focus my eyes on the road but my mind keeps thinking about that precious girl named Demi.

And suddenly, I regret what I did… How could I use her like I used the other girls? She was different… She is different… I should´ve treated her differently…

But I did what I had to do I guess… The fact that I suddenly started feeling weird things for a girl is confusing…

The phone ringing makes me stop thinking.

“Yeah?” I say, putting my cigarette away to hold my phone with one hand and the wheel with the other hand.

“Man, where the heck are you?”Carlos, my best friend, asks me.

I had told him that I would visit him today after not seeing him for 2 months when I ran away the last time…

“Sorry, dude, I´m not going anymore. I fucked Demi and now I don´t want to see her again”

I hear Carlos taking a super long sigh, as if he is trying to calm down.

“Wilmer, Wilmer, Wilmer, Wilmer…. WILMER!” He screams into the phone. “Don´t you see you´re acting like a total idiot?!” He yells.


“No! Listen to me.”


“Stop that fucking car right now”

I do what he says.

“Done” I mumble.

“Good… Now listen to me. Why the hell don´t you want to see Demi again?”

I keep quiet, not knowing what to answer.

“The answer is simple, dude. You don´t want to see her again because you fucking know you love her. You know that if you see her again, you won´t be able to stop yourself from kissing her. You know that having sex with her didn´t make you forget her… You know she is the one… You know that Wilmer Valderrama is finally in love”

Carlos´ words leave me completely speechless… He´s right… I love Demi and I have to fight for her… I have to admit that she changed me… It´s not about sex this time… It´s about love.

“Dude, you´re right” I say as I start the car again. “I´ll be there as soon as possible” And I end the phone call.

You see what a good friend Carlos is? He´s the best!

Demi´s POV:

I look at Olive with worry in my eyes. I just told her everything about my “story” with her brother. I bet she´s in shock right now…

“So…” I start playing with the fabric of the sheets of the bed. We´re still in Wilmer´s bedroom, on his bed.

“Demi… Why haven´t you told me earlier?” Olive asks me, looking straight into my eyes.

She does not seem angry… Just disappointed.

“I was afraid” I mumble.

“But… Why?”

“I was afraid that you didn´t like me for your brother… I was afraid of losing you as a friend” I told her, holding back the tears.

“No! It would be different! I wouldn´t have liked it because I know the way my brother is… He uses girls! Don´t you see you´re his new toy? Well, you was… Now he´s tired of you and he´s going to go and look for another silly girl who falls in his arms”

After Olive´s words, the tears start rolling down my cheeks as I start crying.

“And you fell for him, right?” She asks, hugging me.

“Way too hard” I cry.

“He´s an asshole… Baby you gotta forget him” She seriously says, gently pushing me away from her embrace and wiping the tears away from my face.

“And you should do the same with Justin…”

“I love him”

“And I love your brother”

“It´s gonna be hard, girl” Olive giggles and I hug her again because I immediately feel he pain in her fake giggle.

“I better go…” I end up saying standing up from the bed, still with the sheets wrapped around me. I get dressed and then get another hug from her.

When I´m about to leave the room, her voice stops me.

“Oh, and… Demi?”

I turn around.

“I know you self-harm” She says, causing me to get frozen.


“I saw the cuts… I saw the signs… And the scars”

“Olive, I don´t do that” I say, nervously.

“Don´t lie, Demi. I know it” She comes closer to me with a gentle smile on her lips.


“Don´t worry… It´s okay. I used to do it too… Show me your arms”

“No! Olive! Leave me the hell alone. This is none of your business. I don´t fucking cut myself! You´re a freak!” I yell at her and run out of her house, not really knowing what I´m doing.

I run and run until I reach my house and then my room.

I collapse on my bed as I start crying.

How did she see my cuts? How?

Why did I react like that? Why couldn´t I tell her everything? Tell her that under these black clothes is a different girl… Tell her that I´m not myself right now…

And now I hate Wilmer even though I love him at the same time. But he used me. He doesn´t love me like I do love him…

What if he knew that we had not had sex? Would he seduce me again to fuck me and then leave me?

I guess he would…

So, if he ever comes back, I´ll slap his face and never talk to him…

It´ll be hard because I love him. I love him with all my heart…

Right now, I would love to kiss him but I know I can´t do that. It´s against my new rules.

Anti-Wilmer rules.

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