Chapter 15 ~ Like I didn't exist

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When the bell rings to leave the school, Jade stands up and rushes out of here. She has got a date with Dave who called her during the break.

I slowly start packing my things but when I see Olive leaving the place, I rush to walk by her side.

“Hey, Olive” I say and, when she looks at me, I give her a smile.

Her eyes are red from crying and she just looks destroyed. I wonder what happened.

“Hey” She mumbles. I can notice how her voice is hoarse. Not as sweet as it used to be.

“Sweetie, can I ask you what is wrong?” I ask her.

Olive starts walking and looks at me. Her lower lip starts trembling which lets me know she´s about to break down into tears so I bring her closer to me and wrap my arms around her.

“Everything´s a mess, Demi… Everything” She cries.

“Hey, Olive, don´t say that” I try to comfort her. She keeps crying and everyone looks at us. “Wanna go to my place and explain me there?” I ask her. “My parents are not home” I add.

She pulls away and looks at me with teary eyes.

“O-Okay” A broken Olive stutters.

We walk towards my house in complete silence.

Once we get home, I prepare a pizza and we go upstairs where we sit down on my bed and start eating the pizza.

“Okay… So… Justin broke up with me” Olive tells me, causing my mouth to fall open.

“Really? But… You guys seemed so close” I am in shock right now.

“I know… I thought we were close too but… He says he doesn´t like me anymore”

“What a dick”

Tears start rolling down her face. I want to hug her again but she stops me.

“No, let me explain”


“I went to his house yesterday and went to kiss him but he stopped me. I asked him what was wrong and he said nothing so we ended up kissing and well… We went upstairs and started having sex but all of a sudden he stopped and I was like ´Why did you stop, babe?´and he pulled a disgustin expression on his face and told me that he didn´t find me beautiful enough anymore. He said I looked so horrible that I made him feel sick… Gosh, Demi, I feel so bad right now”

Olive is crying out loud. It breaks my heart. Justin is an asshole. It makes me want to punch his face and even kill him.

“And he got out of the bed and started dressing while he kept telling me how disgusting I am…” A sigh escaped her trembling lips. “And he broke up with me… You know what the worst part is?” Her teary and red eyes looked at me. “What?”

“He said that he liked Jade now… That she looked way better than me and stuff” She looked down…

I´m starting to understand why Olive and Jade hate each other.

“And what happened then?” I ask.

“I was so angry and went to Jade´s house and yelled at her… I know that this was wrong. It´s not her fault… But I am so in love with Justin… I love him… I cannot live without him… And the fact that he likes my friend is kind of… A shocker…” She sighs again. “I was out of control… I yelled terrible things at her… She hates me now…”

Now I hug her and she doesn´t pull away this time. She hugs me back as her shoulders start shaking uncontrollably. I hug her even tighter when I notice this.

“Justin is an idiot, Olive. He does not deserve you, baby. You deserve much better. Much, much better. Trust me”

“Thank you…” She mumbles in between her sobs. “But I love Justin, Demi…” Olive adds then.

“I know… But you have got to forget him… He´s not good enough for you, baby girl…”

“How can I forget him?” She pulls away and starts wiping her tears away. “By meeting other guys. Look, yesterday I met a very handsome guy. His name is Martin and I´m sure that he has got handsome friends. As soon as he calls me, I will introduce you to him so he can call some friends for you”

A smile spreads across her lips.

“Thanks a lot”

“Hey, we´re friends, right? That´s what friends do” I tell her, causing another smile on her.

We hug again but the sound of the door bell makes us pull away from each other and go downstairs to open the door.

Wilmer is standing there.

“Wilmer? What…?” He doesn´t let me finish my sentence. He doesn´t even look at me.

“Olive. Mom and dad are worried about you” He says. “Come back home” He adds.

Olive wipes the rest of her tears away, gives me a smile and a kiss on my cheek and says a quiet goodbye before leaving with her brother.

I sigh after closing the door. I walk back to my bedroom, eat a little bit of pizza and then save the rests of it in the refrigerator.

What is going on with Wilmer? Why does he act like I don´t exist? He is such a weird guy…

My phone starts ringing and I almost fly towards it.

“Hello?” I answer it, holding it close to my right ear. “Demi! It´s me, Martin. Do you remember me?”

“Yes, of course I do, how are you?”

“I´m good, thanks for asking, doll. How are you?” He asks while I sit down on the couch.

“I´m pretty well now that you´ve called” I giggle. “Good to know, Demi… Um… I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me”

“Of course I want to!” I reply, pretending to be excited.

“Great! See you on Saturday in front of the supermarket, okay?”

“Okay” I smile.

“At 7?”

“Yes, that´s alright”

“Okay… See you, gorgeous”

“See you” I say before hanging up and putting my phone on top of the table as a happy sigh escapes my lips.

I should call Jade and tell her about Martin but I guess she´s busy with Dave…

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