Chapter 4 ~ Hey, stranger

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A huge headache invades me when I manage to open up my eyes. I rub them with the back of my hands.

I stare at the ceiling and after some seconds, I realize that it´s not my bedroom´s ceiling and my heart starts beating really fast as the fear settles down in my mind.

Where the heck am I right now?

Once I sit up, I remember everything. Well, actually I kind of remember it…

I slowly realize I´m not even on a bed but a sofa. I look around the room. It is a living room, that´s all I know. On the ground is Jade but there´s no sign of Olive…

But then I remember it´s her house so she´s probably in her bedroom, on her bed.

I stay up on my feet and take a step forward. I still feel dizzy so it´s being pretty hard for me to walk.

I need to drink something… Maybe milk.

I walk out of the living room and look for a kitchen. I find it very soon since it was the door in front of the living room.

Without even noticing it, my legs bring me towards the fridge. I grab the milk pack and start drinking without thinking about a glass.

Someone clears their throat behind me. I quickly put the pack back in the fridge and turn around.

Standing in the doorstep is the most handsome guy I´ve ever seen in my entire life.

“Hey, stranger” He greets me with a fun grin on his face.

“Um… Hey” I can feel my cheeks turning red already and I look down at the ground.

That´s when I realize I´m just wearing a T-shirt… And it´s not even my t-shirt since I was wearing a dress last night… It is a guy´s T-shirt… Perhaps it´s his shirt?

Oh, Gosh… I will never ever get drunk again.

“Who the heck are you? And may I ask why the hell you´re wearing my shirt?” He says, coming closer to me.

I swallow.

“Um… My name is Demi… And I have no idea why I´m wearing it…”

“Um… I guess you´re another drunk friend of my sister Olive” He talks, opening the fridge and grabbing the milk pack, just like I did a few moments ago.

“I… Yeah, I´m Olive´s friend” I tell him while he drinks the milk that´s left in the pack.

“I knew it… She´s always bringing those hoes here” He talks.

“Excuse me?” Did he just call me a hoe?

“What? It´s fucking true. Or are you going to deny that you´ve had sex with at least five boys at the club last night?”

My jaw drops open at his words and, before I can even stop myself, my hand slaps his face.

“You know nothing about me!” I yell at him. He grins. “Woah, a fierce one… I like you, my dear” He speaks, winks at me and starts walking away.

“Oh, by the way…” He stops walking, making me look at him. “What?” I harshly reply.

“Nice ass” He gives me another wink and walks away.

Oh, no, he caused my cheeks to turn red again…

I roll my eyes and walk back to the living room, where I start looking for my phone. Finally, I find it.

10 lost calls from my mother…


I call her back.

“Demetria?! Where the heck are you?” She asks me. Her voice is worried but angry at the same time. I sigh.

“Sorry, mom. Don´t worry, I´m ok. Yesterday I fell asleep at Olive´s house” I lie.

I cannot tell her the truth. She will be so mad at me.

“Is everything alright?” She asks. “Yes, mom” I reply. “Good. I want you at home in less than an hour. We will have a very serious talk”

“Okay, mom” I say into the phone before ending the call.

“Mm, morning” Jade says. I look at her and I can tell she has just woken up. I give her a little smile.

“Morning, Jade” I say.

Olive comes into the living room with Justin by her side.

Olive is wearing his shirt and Justin is only in his boxers…

Wait a minute… I didn´t know Justin was also here. I thought he had left the club before we did… Okay, this is weird…

I look at Jade and, thank God, she seems as confused as I am.

“Girls, you two gotta leave. My parents are coming back in less than ten minutes” Olive tells us.

Jade and I both put our eyes on Justin.

“What about him?” Jade dares to ask.

Olive giggles.

“He will left right after you girls” She says and starts kissing her boyfriend who places his hands on her butt, lightly squeezing it.

Jade rolls her eyes and reaches her dress to put it on. She hands me mine.

“Thanks” I mumble while putting my dress on. Then my shoes and, in less than five minutes, we´re on the road, walking towards my house.

“Justin ain´t gonna leave her fucking house… And her parents are not supposed to come back until tomorrow” Jade mumbles, clearly upset.

“How do you know that?” I ask her.

“Wilmer told me that” She replies.

“Wilmer? Who´s Wilmer?” I want to know.

“Her sexy brother” Jade giggles as she stops walking. The guy who I met this morning pops in my mind.

“Oh… When did you talk to him?”

“Yesterday night. When you fell asleep… You´re a new party girl, right? I could tell that it was like your first time partying…” Jade looks at me, waiting for me to answer.

“No… I was just a little bit tired yesterday… That´s all” I look in front of me and realize that there is my house.

“See you” I give her one last smile and run away, towards the front door of my place.

As soon as the door is closed behind me, I let out a very, very long sigh.

I have to act differently… Or they will see who I really am…

“Demetria Devonne…” My mother´s voice comes towards me. I look up at her.

“You look so bad” Dad tells me. I just nod my head.

“Go take a shower, change into decent clothes and come back here, young lady” He adds.

I start walking upstairs. I close the bathroom door behind me and start getting rid of my clothes.

Somehow, I cannot stop thinking about that Wilmer guy…

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