Chapter 9 ~ Did you fall for him?

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As soon as I´m outside, a cold shiver overhauls my body, making me tremble and hug myself.

I start walking towards Olive´s house, also known as Wilmer´s house.

It´s very silent here. Not a car to be seen, only lights in the inside of the houses of the neighborhood.

I take a deep breath and remain my walking towards his house. Once I´m in front of the right door, I want to press my finger against the bell but the door flies open before I have the chance to touch it.

“Finally! I was starting to think that you wouldn´t come” He takes me by my wrists, drags me into the house and closes the door behind us.

I can tell that he is nervous about something.

Without saying any word, he makes me go upstairs and enter what I think is his room.

Once we are in his room, he shuts the door and tells me to sit down on his bed. I do what he says and then his face seems to calm down.

“Well… Hello to you too” I dare to say, only winning his death glare.

“Shut up, please”

“At least you learnt how to ask things properly” After me saying this, he looks at me with a confused expression on his face.

“You said 'please' ” I grin at him. Wilmer just rolls his eyes and reaches for a green bag.

He starts looking for something there, I guess it´s the stupid coke.

“Here you are” He hands me that shit.

I take it in my hands and save it in my purse.

“How much money does Jade have to give to me?”

“She knows how much it is. Now go. I don’t want Olive to notice you here”

“Fine, fine, you´re welcome” I stand up and start walking downstairs.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, little bitch” He says from the doorstep of his bedroom.

“I have a name, you know?” I ask him, putting my hand on the front door handle.

“I said whatever!”

“Fuck you, asshole!” I yell at him and leave the house.

Ugh, I hate him so much.


I sit down on my chair at school and, soon enough, Jade comes and sits by my side. She looks kind of sleepy and her hair is a mess.

“Morning” I say but she doesn´t reply. Maybe she´s too tired.

“Wilmer gave me the coke for you” I whisper in her ear. Her eyes become larger as she stares at me.

“Where is it?”

“In my bag. You gotta pay me and I´ll give him the money” I explain her.

Jade raises one eyebrow at me in confusion.

“Why doesn´t he give it to me himself?”

“I don´t know” I lie.

“He´s a weird guy” She mumbles.

“He´s an asshole” I whisper to myself. I don´t think she understood it.

When the break comes, Jade and I go to the toilets and lock ourselves there.

“Here” I give her the little bag that contains the coke.

“Thank you” She says and hands me the money. I take it in my hand and save it in my school bag.

I won´t do this again. I hate drugs.

“I don´t get it, Dem” Jade says as she sits down on the floor.

I swallow.

“What are you talking about?”


“Oh… What about him?”

Jade lets out a sigh as she keeps looking at the white powder that´s in the inside of the see-through plastic bag.

“I think he does not want to see me, you know?” Her voice is kind of sad.

“I don´t think so. That would be ridiculous. You guys had sex, there has to be something there”

Fuck, why am I lying like this?

“Not necessarily, Dem… He´s that kind of guy who fucks a girl and then never ever looks back at her” She explains.

“So what, Jade? You said you only wanted fun…”

“Yeah, but I think I changed my mind. I can´t stop thinking about him…”

Great… Just great.

“You should talk to him then” I suggest, mentally punching my own face for it.

“I can´t. He´s avoiding me. He doesn´t answer my text or calls. Whatever, I should have known. I fucking knew how he is… I can´t believe I let myself fall for him”

“Did you fall for him?!” I almost scream, making her look at me, surprised.

“I don´t know! Maybe!” She takes a deep breath and asks for my hand.

I give her my hand and help her stand up from the ground.

“Try to forget him then”

“I´m working on it, girl. Wanna go out today to meet some new guys?” She winks at me, bringing her famous smile back to her face.

“Um, sounds good” I wink back as we walk back to our classroom.                               

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