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Chapter 30| Thunder and Lightning, Light and Dark, Shadow and Moon

'Together, the dark and light shall come together and will show the world something that they have never seen before.' 

Her words echoed in my mind. She was talking about Siras and me. I knew what she meant, and as I looked up at her, she smiled when she looked down at me. 

'The Moon Kissed powers are boiling under your skin, my daughter. The Lightning is calling to its master and the thunder roars with your power. But you haven't even touched half of the gifts I have given you to use.' She says, and her smile widens just a bit, 'That is why I am here, my daughter. I know that you are afraid, but you simply need a little push to help you become all that I have made you to become.' 

I felt The Moon Flames roaring around me grow larger and wilder, and as The Moon Kissed opened her eyes all the way, the Moon Goddess smiled widely at me, giving me a moment of comfort and calm. 

Then she pushed me right off the cliff.

 My eyes widened, and The Moon Flames around me roared just as loud as the wind around me did as I fell. I could have painted the scene in my mind as I fell. The Moon Flames roaring around me, the electricity wrapping around my legs and dancing with the Moon Flames on my fingertips. 

Above me, the sky was filled with dark grey clouds and rumbling with thunder. Lightning cleaved through the clouds with a violent crash and I watched, my eyes softening as the spear of lightning came right for me. 

As the white, hot electricity touched my skin, the world around me exploded into chaos and The Moon Kissed roared from inside me as the current rippled across my skin, turning my veins black under my skin. The ancient gifts inside of me roared awake at the power of the electric current that shot through me with a bang. 

As the lightning disappeared in the blink of an eye and the thunder rolled across the clouds again, I looked up at the sky, feeling power shaking my whole body. My eyes reflected The Moon Flames that surged around me, and it was armed with electric currents that rippled up and down my body, dancing across my skin and through my veins. 

The ground came closer and closer to me, and I closed my eyes, shrouding myself in complete darkness, hearing the roaring chaos around me, deafening me. 

'My name is Calina Dawson, the Moon Kissed, and I have declared war on you, and I will win!"

My words echoed in my mind, and as lightning struck the ground once more, my eyes snapped open and I gasped as a spear of light shot through me, lighting up my whole body for half a second, and as the light disappeared, my feet hit the ground, and the earth below me rippled and exploded around me. The trees splintered and the bushes ripped apart as the ground upset itself in droves. 

As the shockwave cleared, I stood there, my eyes glowing with Moonlight. Lightning danced across my skin and my veins glowed with white, hot power. The Moon Flames danced along my shoulders and they danced around me, circling me in a roaring and wild circle of the most feared power on earth. The Moon Flames. 

I was Calina Dawson, The Moon Kissed, owner of the Roiko call, Master of The Moon Flames, Alpha of the wild wolves, Master of Lightning and Thunder, the soul of the ancient powers of the Moon, Daughter of the Moon Goddess, and I was not afraid. 

I looked up at the cliff where the Moon Goddess stood, and then I looked up at the sky and grinned dangerously as I felt all of the gifts that the Moon Goddess had given me coursing through my body at the same time, roaring angrily with only one thing in mind. Revenge.

The Moon KissedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang