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Chapter 14| Monday Morning

"I heard you had a hard day, kiddo. Do you want to talk about it? " I say, sitting down on Talia's bed. She looks up at me before she looks back down at her phone.

My date with Rese had been cut short after Dad had called from his office.

He said that Tali had a hard day and that I should go home and help her because he had no idea how to comfort her. I had apologized to Rese several times as he drove me home, but he said nothing about it. From what I could see, he was half disappointed and half-amused.

"I'm fine," Tali grumbles, noticing that I wasn't leaving her alone, "It's not like someone threatened me or anything, Line. There were just some kids and they were bullying Kara." She explains, and I stay silent, pulling my legs up onto the bed. I glanced over at the door as Salmon comes trotting in with Milo hot on his heels. I pat the bed and Salmon jumps up beside me while Milo stays on the ground, sniffing around the room.

"I can talk to them if–" Tali cut me off, her eyes flying up to meet mine.

"Please don't. You're only going to make it worse–No offense." She says, and I nod hesitantly, still thinking that I could at least talk to the kids' parents about it. They were bullies.

"So how have you been, Tal? I know–I know I haven't really been here recently, and I know that dad's really never here so that leaves you alone. You're doing ok, right?" I ask Talia suddenly, my eyes softening as I stared at my younger sister. She smiled and leaned over to put a hand on my shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about me, Sis. I'm not the one who spends her time at the rich wolf boy's house. If anything I should be worrying about you. Have you experienced any symptoms that relate to vomiting blood?" She asks, and my mouth falls open as I stare at her.

"What?" I ask, and she pulls her hand away, holding up her phone. Lo and behold there was an amateur picture of me as a wolf. Fuck. How could she have gotten those pictures anyway? It's not like I just sauntered throughout the house and–

"You're kind of loud whenever you stumble through the woods, you know. Honestly, I'm not surprised. Mom and I had a talk before she–you know. Anyways, as I was saying, have you experienced any vo–" I cut her off, so confused and so–What the hell?

"No–No! I have not vomited any blood, Talia! When and why did you ever talk to mom about being a wolf!?" I ask, my voice level rising, causing Salmon to look at me curiously.

Talia had this stupid little grin on her face as she stared at me.

"Well, that's good. It means you're not in heat. Mom and I kind of just got into a deep conversation and she confessed about it. Unfortunately, It's only in the firstborn–to lower the populations because apparently, wolves are very active in sexual activities. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have sex with that rich wolf boy, I'm just saying use protection." Talia rambles, laughing as my face morphs into horror with each sentence.

I scrambled off her bed, making Milo jump around my feet as he thought I was playing with him.

"I am not having this talk with my sister! Tali, what the hell!?" I yell, and when Salmon cries at me, rolling over onto his side, I put my face in my hands, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. Salmon hated it when I started to yell.

"It's ok, you know. It doesn't affect me when you don't come home all day," Talia says in a quieter tone, "I get it. You have friends who you hang out with, you have a boyfriend–" I stop her before any more ideas that Rese is my boyfriend continues to circle around in her mind.

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