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Chapter 7| Caline and The Triple Murder Case

I watched as the wolf took off at a gallop, moving silently through the valley. I could feel Rese still looking at me as I took in every detail of the wolf, and even though it was dark, the moonlit up the valley, allowing me to see the white and glittering fur the wolf had. 

I watch as it stops at the tree line, and it looks back, its amber eyes staring right at me. I let out a quiet breath of awe, watching as the wolf tipped its head back, and its lone howl reached my ears like a beautiful melody. Then, just as fast as it had appeared, it vanished into the forest, leaving nothing behind to hint that it was ever there. 

"It's so pretty, Rese." I say quietly, looking over at him as he smiles, nodding in agreement. 

"There's a whole pack of them that live in the area around the city, you know. Do you ever hear the howls at night?" He asks and I shake my head. 

"No, I live in the inner city, all I hear are sirens and frequent dogs barking. It must sound incredible from out here." I explain and he nods, looking up at the sky once again. It was silent for a good while, and as time passed by I could hear the howls of wolves all around us. 

"I'm naming it Inspiration Hill." I say suddenly, and Rese looks over at me, and then he smiles.


"So you're telling me that Rese Alvaro took you to the most romantic place around, and you didn't kiss him?" Celia asked, just to make sure she heard me correctly. I nod once again, sipping on my extra chocolatey hot chocolate with five marshmallows in it. 

We were sitting on the outdoor patio of the coffee shop; Me, Celia, Charlie, and Russet. It was just an early morning meeting that made me feel like it was the start of a tradition. 

"I think I would have at least kissed his cheek." Russet muttered, and I shot them all a look. 

"Ok, so everyone else would have kissed him, but I didn't, shall we move on to more important matters? Charlie, you have a date tonight?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows as I move the subject away from me. 

I didn't like talking about the time I spent with Rese last night because I felt it was something we shared and it was something only a few others knew about. We stayed up on Inspiration Hill till one just looking at the sky and listening to the wolf howls.

Charlie went red, "Yeah. Cole asked me out to dinner and he told me to dress nice." Russet and I smirk at each other while Celia whoops, giving Charlie a pat on the back. 

"Get it, girl! See, what'd I tell you? I told you that Cole was going to man up at one point." Russet says and Celia and I nod in agreement, causing Charlie to go red with embarrassment. I sigh, taking another sip of my hot chocolate as I slide my gaze out the window. 

I almost spit out my hot chocolate as I saw the one and only Rese standing there, right next to that stupid bike of his. I cleared my throat, setting my drink down to make sure I didn't spill it. All three girls looked over and I saw everyone but Russet chock. All the boys were there. 

Celia smiled at Gavin, Charlie went red as Cole smirked at her, and Talan–well he looked as impassive as ever. Russet looked at Adam, who went just as red as Charlie had. 

So that makes Talan the only available one by the looks of it...

"Hey, focus, ignore the bitches across the street." Celia snapped, making all of us look at her. As she started to talk about Prom, my phone started to go wild with text messages. I took one look at the contact ID and I pressed my lips together, shaking my head. 'Resie Lady-Killer', how original...I smiled, biting my lip as I changed it to 'Riff Raff'. 

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