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Chapter 10| Magical Kisses and a Changing Problem

"Oh Caline, Darling, Finally! It took you long enough to get her here." Mrs. Alvaro says, smiling gracefully as she waved me down the hallway. I raise an eyebrow as I hear a lot of voices and I turn back to look at Rese, who's smirking down at me. He motions forward and I roll my eyes before I move.

The whole way over to his house I was blasting 'Unstoppable' with all the windows rolled down. Rese almost crashed twice while looking at me, but he made it to his house with both me and his precious car still intact. 

I hug Mrs. Alvaro as I get to the end of the hallway and for once, I was grateful that I decided to wear some high-heeled boots today because Rese's family was insanely tall.

"Come on dear, you can help me in the kitchen. Rese...Mmm, you stay out here and mingle." She says, giving him a once over. I withhold a laugh as I throw a look back at him while his mother grabs my arm and starts to lead me towards the kitchen. He looked less than pleased. 

"I would love to help. What do I need? My mother always said to help make dinner and tonight seems like a perfect night to do so." I say and she smiles, opening the kitchen door. 

I almost run out as I see five other women her age laughing and drinking an expensive bottle of wine. They all look over and then they start to coo when they see me.

"This is Caline, Rese's friend." Mrs. Alvaro says and I almost sigh. No longer just friends...

"Oh you're gorgeous, darling, isn't she gorgeous, Alina!" One woman says and I smile flushing red at the compliment. Mrs. Alvaro smiles as she sees my discomfort. 

"Alright girls, She's had enough compliments today. I'm sure Rese just spits them out. Calina's going to help us with dinner. Mary, would you like to show her? Line, this is Mary, Gavin's mother." Mrs. Alvaro said as a beautiful woman who has similar features to Gavin. She smiles at me.

"I would love to, come on darling. It's going to be Danish Pastry's." She says, and I nod, hesitantly following her over a corner of the room. Soon enough, everyone's back to laughing and a few ask questions about me as I help Gavin's mom make the desserts. 

I stop all movement before the door opens and I look at it as it opens, knowing who it was. Rese walks in with a havoc-causing smile on his face. He looked around the room and his smile widened into a wild grin as he saw me. 

"Mmm, looks tasty." He says, leaning up against me. I growl, blowing the hair out of my face before I ram my elbow back into his gut. He laughs, backing up, and I look over, seeing all the ladies smiling to themselves.

"Rese, control yourself. It's literally about time to eat." I say quietly, and he looks over my shoulder as I craft the dessert as I had already done twenty times before. 

"Oh, I wasn't talking about the food, Sugar." He purrs into my ear and I go red, stepping on his foot as I throw him a look over my shoulder. He holds his hands up before taking a step back. But then he walks around to the side of the table and watches me intensely until I crack. 

"Jesus–Rese, for the love of God, go into the other room," I hesitate, "Later." I add quietly, and he grins wickedly, leaning over to kiss my cheek, his lips hovering by my ear. 

"Later?" He asks cheerfully and I roll my eyes but I nod. He kisses my cheek again, pulling away. He gives me a sly wink before he saunters out of the room again. 

I let out a visible breath, shaking my head. He was going to give me a heart attack one day, and for all the wrong reasons...

I spent the rest of the time talking to Gavin's mom and Cole's mom, who arrived late, until it was dinner time. As I walked outside, I had a feeling that Rese dragged me here because there were so many people and they were all gawking at me as I passed to go sit next to Rese who smiled at me brightly. 

The Moon KissedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz