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Chapter 1| Milo

"I'm sorry, Jamie. But I'm going to have to let you go."

"What do–what do you mean, Cole?"

"Jamie...We can't be together anymore..."


"What do you mean we can't be together anymore!?"

I withhold a snicker as I watch the sad couple, a mask of indifference on my face. There were others surrounding the couple that hadn't bothered to withhold their amusement.

It must suck to be that girl... I mean, didn't she notice him withdrawing from her? Did she not notice how much time he spent with the pretty freshman girl? I would fuck her too, but that's not the point.

"Jamie, Please. I think it's for the best, really." Cole Visily rushes out, trying to calm down the hysteric girl in front of him. Jamie was trying her best to glare hatefully at Cole, but she was bordering a complete breakdown. Her eyes were lined with tears and her lip quivered with silent whimpers.

I smirked, silently wishing I had a box of popcorn so I could enjoy the show. It was like every teen romance TV show, and while I usually hated them, this was extremely entertaining.

"What the hell, Cole?! I love you!" Jamie screamed, finally exploding. I figured it had something to do with the growing crowd surrounding them, but Jamie had always been dramatic. It was as if she knew exactly when to release her emotions.

"Well, I don't love you, Jamie." Cole boldly proclaimed, his eyes flickering over to me. I raised a proud thumbs-up to let him know he was doing great. He hadn't even gotten slapped yet.

For as long as I've been here, Cole Visily has been one of the only few people that were friendly enough to approach me. It wasn't that I was intimidating, it was just the new girl aura that seemed to deter everyone. 

Everyone except for Cole.

"Why the hell are you looking at the new girl?" Jamie hisses angrily, and I shifted against the set of lockers. I forced a sweet smile onto my lips and flicked my gaze over to Jamie. Her gaze was burning with hellfire as she stared me down, but I didn't even blink at her intimidating stare.

Jamie knew my name, we'd even been to a few parties together, but she loved to use the 'new girl' tag whenever she was angry. It made her feel better.

"I was coaching him on proper break-up technique. He wanted to make sure it was working" I called out, causing all heads to swivel in my direction. My sweet smile disappeared at all the curious stares, but I didn't drop my gaze from Jamie's furious one.

"What the fuck?" She spat, ripping away from Cole. "Who the hell do you think you are? You're not his girlfriend."

"Neither are you." I fired back, not even flinching as she got right in my face, a deadly snarl curled on her lips. Instead of reacting to her aggression, I merely flexed my hands, forcing my own anger down.

"You think you're so funny, but you-" She started, and a wide smile curled up onto my lips.

"I'll stop you there," I cut in, tilting my head to analyze her, "Personally, I think I'm hilarious. I'm also helpful when it comes to sticky situations -- like this breakup."

"You're not funny, new girl." She spat and my smile widened even more.

"Fine, let's say I'm not funny. Let's say I'm a bitch, like you." I started, taking a step closer so that our chests were almost touching. This was one of the only times I thanked my father's height genes as I towered over the dramatic girl. "The only reason I'd still be with Cole is because he's popular and I'm hiding something that can sink my entire reputation. That's why I'm so dramatic. If Cole breaks up with me and goes for the freshman girl, who by the way, is much prettier than you, then that means whatever secret I'm hiding will come out."

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