Chapter 3

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I sigh as I remember that night. It was one of the best nights of my life. A week later we started dating. I really thought he was the one. But after a year and a half, and having given him my virginity, I guess I wasn't enough.

Now just to clarify. I didn't sleep with him the first night I met him because I don't believe in premarital sex. It's because I don't believe in having sex with strangers. It took me a whole year to finally take that step in our relationship.

Anyways, a month after we started having sex, I walked in on him with a daughter of a business partner, on my bed of all places. I knew her extremely well. She was almost like a cousin to me. They had met at a business dinner party that her father and I were hosting. Well, that's the place I had introduced them and they acted like they didn't know each other. Come to find out they had been seeing each other for over six months prior to be catching them in the act.

I think the worst pain wasn't that I caught them. It was that he lied to me, I wasn't good enough, and I was too blind to see that maybe something could have been going on. I didn't think I needed to guard my heart the same way I guard my business. But now my heart is locked up and I threw away the key. Let's see a man get through that.

Who am I kidding. I'm a hopeless romantic. I just now, guard my heart more than I ever have before.

I've tried numerous times to find "the right someone" ever since. And nothing works. It all usually lasts about a week or two. But my last, most recent, relationship has lasted six months. Maybe that's a sign that it's getting better.

So that leads us to today.

"Hey Jack," I said as my boyfriend walked into my office. We've been dating for about six months. But. He's just not the right one. I've been having serious thoughts about our relationship lately, and, I think it's time to break things off. I called him up earlier today and asked him to meet me in the office. I hate having to do this, but I don't want to force my feelings. He's a great guy and I genuinely hope he finds the right one.

"Hey babe. What's up, why did you ask me to come see you? Are you going to take me to that restaurant that only us rich people get tables at?" He chuckles. "What's it called? Oh yeah, 'Le Paradis d'Harmonie!' We can go after my case. I should be done at six."

Did I forget to mention that Jack was just another date set up by my secretary? This guy has never worked a day in his life. Ok. I might be exaggerating a little bit. He has never worked for anyone else. Even as an intern in college, he bought a company and hired himself. He comes from a very wealthy family and is determined to be a well known lawyer. Though, technically, he doesn't have to work. His parents would pay for anything for him. Yep, you guessed it. He's entitled.

He still lives with his parents, which isn't a bad thing. But he talks about staying there another ten years or so. He's even talked about living there while being married. It just doesn't make sense to me. His parents have even offered to buy him a place. If you have a place paid for, wouldn't you want privacy with your spouse. I guess he's just a big time mama's boy.

He is very smart. You would think we were perfect for each other. We are both so analytical, especially when it comes to business. We both want to be the best in our fields of work. And I love that about him. He has a drive for his work, but his personal life lacks it. He just acts too entitled, and it can be sickening sometimes. I guess when you come from a family that wasn't wealthy growing up you see the lifestyle of the rich differently. And it's not like I think there is anything wrong with having a lot of money, but when you treat others as beneath you because of it. That's where I have an issue.

"Yeah. Sorry, not tonight Jack. In fact, I don't want this to come off bad. But, I think we should break up. I'm sorry. You're a really great guy. But, we aren't right for each other. I hope you understand." And I was truly sincere. He was a nice guy, he just drove me batty too often.

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