whats happening!! :)

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okay so the last two chapters maybe confusing so I'm gonna go a filler chapter!


"Hyung?" Jimin softly spoke as he walked into his lovers studio, the place was pitch black, and there seemed to be no signs of him being here, so as Jimin was walking back out, he heard a moan.

Jimin turned around, and slowly turned on the light switch. Jimin's heart broke not into two pieces, nor three but a million pieces. There was Yoongi, on top of Hoseok.


"Jimin, Jimin listen!" Yoongi called chasing after Jimin as he held a towel around his junk. As Jimin was turning a corner he bumped into Taehyung, so Yoongi caught up with them.

"Jimin, please just listen." The tears were visibly noticeable running down the blond boys cheeks.

"How fucking dare you?" Taehyung knew something was going on as Jimin rarely curses so he grabbed Jimin's arm.


"I'm not gonna listen to whatever bullshit you're gonna make up Yoongi! You had sex with him! And you expect me to be okay?" Jimin coughed up, Taehyung's eyes widen as he pulled Jimin into a hug.

"Let's go Jimin, stay away from him Yoongi or I will hurt you," Taehyung hissed before going back to his and jungkook's shared room.

Jungkook sighed when he noticed Jimin with his boyfriend. The two seemed to be getting closer, and Jungkook hated it.

"What's he doing here now?" Jungkook asked once Taehyung brought him to their room.

"Yoongi is after sleeping with someone," Taehyung answered as he grabbed a water bottle.

"Well why is he your responsibility?" Jungkook snapped looking back at Taehyung.

"What the fuck Jungkook?" Taehyung snapped back.

"He's always here or with you!"

"He's my best friend Jungkook, I can't leave him in his time of need," Taehyung said back at his boyfriend.

"Well I'm fed up of it," jungkook sighed and stood up. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arm before he could leave.

"The second you leave this apartment Jungkook, don't bother coming back because Jimin is my best friend and I know you'd do the same if Jin was in this situation." Taehyung spoke but his voice cracked.

"But I would've put your thoughts first," Jungkook muttered before leaving the apartment. Taehyung blankly looked at the door before he felt arms wrapped around his waist.

"Tata, I'm so sorry," he heard his best friend sobbed. Taehyung shook his head telling Jimin that he was fine, but inside both of the boys were broken into pieces.

The day consisted of mostly Taehyung and Jimin watching sad romantic movies to get over their pain but the movies made it worse.

"Stay over tonight Chim, I don't wanna be alone and neither do you," taehyung spoke. Jimin smiled and nodded.

"Of course I'll stay with you," Jimin put his head on Taehyung's shoulder and wrapped his arms around Taehyung's. In the piece of silence that fell upon Taehyung and Jimin, the two boys realized how lucky they were to be best friends, nothing more nor nothing less.

Meanwhile you'd think that Yoongi would be heartbroken, but he was balls deep in Hoseok and Jungkook was drunk trying to get a rebound from Taehyung, but they didn't realize the pain they caused the two boys.


lol idk anymore, this story is turning to shit but people are still reading it so thank you 😂
- b x

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