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"No, I don't think I've seen anything on the calendar for the Lake. And hey, taking someone there for a date is such a good idea. Maybe I should ask Mal out for a date as well, take her there before you guys go. How long is the movie?" Ben asked. Peyton rolled his eyes, hating how single he was and also hating how he didn't have the nerve to ask Sam White on a date.

Rosalie thought for a moment before she looked to Ben again. "About an hour and forty-five minutes, I'm pretty sure. So you have until like five, because I want to grab some snacks for us to eat at the Lake. Ooh, and an idea: have a picnic at the Lake with Mal because now that would be beautiful." Rosalie advised, Ben nodding. Peyton rolled his eyes again. They arrived to their lockers, heading into different directions. Rosalie opened her locker and threw her bag in considering she had already finished her last class of the day. She would come back later on to gather her things for tomorrow.

Afterwards, she grabbed the keys to her red, custom made motorcycle and her helmet. She grabbed her extra helmet as well before heading to her dorm room to change into a pair of high waisted jeans and a red blouse, making sure to have her bathing suit underneath for when they went to the Lake. Rosalie then headed to Jay's locker, guessing that he was done with classes as well. Finding him standing with a smile at his test, Rosalie grinned and walked up to him, placing a hand on his arm. "How'd you do, babe?" She asked, peering over his shoulder to see a B plus circled in red ink at the top of his paper. "You did so good!" Rosalie exclaimed, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Jay blushed and grinned.

"Thank you, thank you. Are you — are you ready?" Jay asked, looking down at his attire that wasn't all that bad if he said so himself. Rosalie thought he looked absolutely handsome. Rosalie nodded and Jay took her hand as she lead him towards the parking lot where she kept her motorcycle. When they got to it, Jay's eyes widened. His hand felt around the sides. "This is yours? This bad baby belongs to a damn princess?"

"Don't sound so shocked, will you?" Rosalie chuckled as she lifted one leg over the seat to sit down. She handed Jay a helmet. "You coming or what?" Jay nodded eagerly and took a seat behind her, setting the helmet on his head. Rosalie adjusted the helmet and revved the engine to get Jay excited. Which worked since he had a large grin on his face and pure happiness in his eyes. As Rosalie pulled out of the parking lot and made her way towards the movie theater in the main city, Jay raised his fists above his head and hollered loudly, filled with adrenaline. Rosalie laughed and shook her head.


AFTER THE MOVIE AND lunch, they headed down to the Enchanted Lake. Arriving, Jay and Rosalie removed their helmets and put one on either handle before running down to the small, broken ground above the water with their hands entwined. Jay looked out to the Lake with amazement covering his features, never seeing anything so beautiful besides the girl beside him at that very moment. Jay turned his head to see Rosalie smiling wide at him. "What?" He asked. "Do I have food on my face?" Rosalie giggled and shook her head.

"No, silly. You're just really, really handsome." Rosalie told him, making him smile and blush. Rosalie took a deep breath and kicked off her shoes. "Well, let's dive right in, huh?" She told him with a smirk before stripping of her clothing. Jay's eyes widened as he turned away, giving her somewhat privacy. Jay swallowed the thick lump in his throat, feeling something different inside his stomach and his palms get sweaty. When the turned back around, Rosalie was no where in sight.

He furrowed his brows. "ROSIE?" He shouted, looking around at the Lake and his surroundings.

"Up here!" The redhead shouted from atop a high cliff. Jay's eyes widened as they scanned her figure. Perfectly curved, red bathing suit complimenting her pale skin. She waved her hands before she cupped them around her mouth. "Watch me jump!" She shouted.

"Wait, Rosie!" Jay called. "Please, don't jump! I don't want you to hurt yourself!" Rosalie's heart melted at Jay being worried about her. She bit her lip and waved him off.

"I'm okay! I've jumped from here a million of times and I'm a professional at it. See?" Rosalie asked before jumping, yelling her lungs out in the process — filled with complete joy. When she hit the water, she felt something different overcome her. She resurfaced, feeling something odd in her stomach. She furrowed her brows and pushed the wet hair away from her face. Pouting, she shrugged and continued to swim around, her feet occasionally hitting the pebbles underneath her.

Jay raised the palm of his hand to his forehead, not knowing where the girl had gone. He groaned and sat down on the ground, biting his lip as he thought about everything he's been feeling for the past time he's been in Auradon. From feeling something over than hatred towards another person, genuinely caring about someone, feeling complete with the team, worrying about the aftermath of doing something bad; it was all new to him and he didn't know how to feel about the person he's become. He looked down at his hands and removed his beanie. He knew he had to go search for Rosie, even if it was going to be extremely difficult. He removed his shirt and jeans and was about to jump in when her head popped up, the same grin on her features. "Hi babe." She said to him, making him smile.

Jay shook his head and jumped in, Rosalie laughing aloud as the water rained over her. Jay walked to Rosalie and wrapped his arms around her waist, Rosalie's going to wrap around his neck loosely and her legs wrapping around his torso. "Jay," Rosalie whispered softly. Jay hummed in response and pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I love you." She said, eyes filled with adoration for the boy in front of her. Jay was shocked and didn't say anything but swooped down to capture her lips in his, a blissful moment that was all a lie.

✓ |     rewrite the stars, jay j.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora