Chapter 20: Loss

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Everyone in the cave froze. Gameknight was whimpering softly, shaking. Hunter grabbed his hand, pulling him closer to her. 

"It's okay," she whispered. "It's gonna be okay."

Then, everybody- excluding Gameknight- leaped up and held out whatever weapons they had on hand.

"What are you doing here?" Hunter snapped. 

Herobrine laughed. "Nothing, Hunter. I simply came to take back what is mine." He pointed at Gameknight, who whimpered even louder.

"Ya set 'im free," said Endia. "Ya left 'im. He ain't yours no more. Now get the 'ell outta 'ere."

"Not until he comes back to me," Herobrine said. His voice turned from stern and angry to kind. "Gameknight, c'mere, boy!"

"He isn't a dog!" Monet scoffed. "Leave my brother alone."

"I told you- I'm not leaving this cave until my pet comes to me," he said simply. "Come on, Gameknight. I'm not going to hurt you... I have no weapons. Come here, sweetie!"

"N-n-no..." Gameknight whined. He started shaking violently. "I-I-I'm not go-ing b-back!"

"Ah, don't you see, you don't have a choice." He laughed again. "Now come here, my little pet, or I'll make you."

"Didn't you hear him the first time, you idiot?!" Hunter yelled. "He's not going back! Not on my watch."

"You must be his girlfriend," Herobrine scoffed. "The Oracle told me you kissed, mmm? And about the 'Sweatshirt Incident'? Well, hon, I hate to spoil your love life, but I've already claimed him. He's mine, and there's nothing you can do about it."

"He isn't yours!" Hunter argued. "He doesn't belong to you."

"Look, girl, I ****** him, didn't I? So, by law... yeah, he does."

Monet threw her hands up in the air. "THERE ARE CHILDREN IN THIS ROOM! LANGUAGE!"

"H-hunter..." Gameknight moaned. "H-h-he's gonna d-do i-it a-gain... he's g-gonna cl-claim me ag-gain... b-but it h-hurt... no, no, no!"

Hunter sat down on the ground next to him. "No, he isn't," she said. "We'll stop him, I promise."

"That's a promise you won't be able to keep," said Herobrine. "Why don't I just do it in front of all you? Make sure you have to watch?"

"Aw, hell naw!" Endia yelled. "uh-uh. I ain't watchin' dat."

"Neither am I," said Monet. "I'll only watch it if Hunter's doing it."


Monkeypants looked at his daughter, a look of disbelief on his face. "Monet..."

"Sorry, Dad..." Monet said. 

Monkeypants rolled his eyes and walked towards Herobrine. "Listen here, you-"

"Who the heck are you?!" Herobrine asked.

"I am Gameknight's father, Monkeypants271," he said. "And I forbid you to ever go near my son again."

Herobrine laughed. "You? Forbid me? I'm not listening to some helpless user. I am Herobrine. I can do whatever I want!"

Monkeypants drew his sword. "Then we'll fight. I'm not letting you do that to him."

"Neither am I," said Hunter, running up and standing next to Monkeypants.

"Nor me," Monet agreed.

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