Chapter 16: Second Kiss

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Hunter and Monet were lost this time.

Monet didn't know her way through the forest as much as Hunter did, but Hunter was absolutely exhausted. It was near midnight, and the blizzard that was raging throughout their area was still going hard and strong. Their torch had died out because of the wind, meaning that they'd have to go through the snow with no light whatsoever.

And it was not fun.

"Hunter, I can't see," Monet complained, rubbing snow off of her face.

"I am aware," Hunter said a little rudely. "Neither can I, but if we stop now, we're never going to get in the castle in time."

Monet looked away on to the ground. "Hunter... what did you mean, when you said that Herobrine was gonna break my brother?"

Hunter took a deep breath. She should have seen this question coming. 

"Well..." Hunter said. "I... can't really tell you..."

Monet folded her arms. "Come on, Hunter. You have to tell me. He's my brother. I have a right to know."

Sweat started to form on Hunter's forehead. She really, really, really didn't want to tell Monet- who was ten- what 'breaking' meant. Or, what Herobrine was using it for. But she had to.

"Okay, okay. It's kind of a mature answer, but..." Hunter took another deep breath. "Do, uh... do you know how people have kids?" 

Monet nodded. "Yep. Had to hear all about it- the whole freaking procedure- after Gameknight learned about it in Health when he was in sixth grade. He would not stop ranting. What's that got to do with it?" Her eyes widened to the size of ostrich eggs. "Herobrine wants to have kids with Gameknight?!" 

"Not exactly," Hunter said. "He doesn't want to have kids- besides, he can't do that, they're both boys- but he wants to do the, er, other part. The actual procedure."

Monet looked just about ready to throw up. Hunter put her arm around her. "I'm so sorry, girl. It's not a pleasant thought, is it?"

Monet shook her head. "No. Not. At all."

She looked up at Hunter. "But that must be even harder to deal with for you, huh?" 

Hunter looked at her. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well, considering the fact that you obviously have a crush on him-"

"No I don't!" Hunter yelped, turning the color of a tomato.

"Yeah-huh. I see the way you look at him. You're always blushing. And the fact that you tease him so much?" She laughed. "No girl will call a boy 'idiot' as much as you have unless they really, really like them. Face it, girl, you love him. There's no point in denying it." She smiled at Hunter. "And even if you don't and I'm wrong... nothing, nothing, will stop me from shipping you two."

Hunter blushed even harder. She wondered if she was going to get a nosebleed. "Please don't ship us."

"HUNTERKNIGHT FOR LIIIIIIIFE!!!!" Monet whisper-yelled.

Hunter was about to slap Monet or something when she stopped. "Is it really that obvious...?" she asked timidly.

Monet nodded. "It is. But... don't worry. If you two get married or something..." She hugged Hunter around the waist. "I'm totally on with you being my older sister-in-law."

"Ha, you just want to be Stitcher's sis," Hunter said, patting Monet's head. 

"Maybe that's part of the reason," Monet said. "But you know he likes you back right? He was so worried when he found out that Herobrine had captured you. Turned bright red."

Hunter nodded. "Speaking of which... we gotta get to the castle, quick. It's starting to snow harder."

They were about to start walking again until they saw Endia running towards them.

"Endie!" Hunter said, surprised. "What're you doing here? I thought you and Monkeypants were going to go get your brother's staff."

"That's da problem," she said. "M.P. and I were gonna go get da staff, but we gots holded up. Girls, I found Gameknight."

Hunter's eyes lit up. "You did?! That's great!"

Endia's face looked solemn. "No, girls, it ain't great. He's been broken."

Hunter nearly fainted. "HE WHAT?!"

Monet looked from Endia to Hunter. "You mean- that thing Hunter told me about- Herobrine did it to him?"

Endia nodded. "He's... he's insane now. It made 'im crazy now. Mah friend Damien's fixin' him up in our cave... c'mon..."

Hunter and Monet followed Endia to their base. When they arrived, they saw Gameknight sitting on the floor, wearing nothing but a black sweatshirt wrapped around his hipline. Hunter blushed and tears welled up in her eyes as she saw the love of her life huddled against the wall, crying blood, shaking. He was being held by a boy with maroon-coloured eyes and messy back hair.

"Gameknight..." Hunter's voice was almost a whisper.

He looked up at her, saying nothing.

She ran over to him. 

And she kissed him. Hard.

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