Chapter 6: Delayed

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The second that Gameknight999 awoke from his dream, he felt pain. He didn't know how, or why. He just...did. Also, he saw his friends lying around him, looking extremely concerned for him. 

"Gameknight, what did you dream about?" Stitcher asked immediately. "What happened to you?"

"What're you talking about..." Gameknight began, but then he looked down at himself. "Where's my shirt?!"

"It just disappeared..." Monet told him. "And these little cuts kept appearing on your neck, arm, and ear...see, look, there's one...and you were crying in your sleep...what happened?"

"It was the Land of Dreams," Gameknight replied. "Once again, he keeps saying that I'm his...and he was biting me all over the place...I it part of my skin now...?" He was now really only talking to himself. "I mean...he took my shirt...and it carried into the real yeah, I guess..."

"What are you talking about?" Monkeypants asked.

"This is my skin for now," Gameknight replied. "Yay. No shirt and bloodstains all over me. I look like Rainimator in 'Cold as Ice.'"

"Who?" Digger asked.

"Nobody," Gameknight replied, realizing that the NPCs didn't get references to Minecraft Animations he saw on YouTube.

"I like it personally," Herder said. "It makes you look stoic."

"Thanks, Herder, but I'm still going to wear armor," Gameknight said, opening his inventory and putting on an enchanted iron chestplate and diamond boots. "I don't need any monsters seeing me without my shirt on."

Monet giggled.

"Shut up, Monet." Gameknight took a diamond sword out of his inventory and held it in the air. "Remember, we only have two more days before my time is out."

"Then we should get going," Monet said, standing up. "Come on."

It didn't take them too long to reach the Nether Portal, surprisingly. Gameknight knew exactly where it was; it was the same Nether Portal that they had used to go into the Nether when Herder had stolen the chest with Herobrine's XP in it. In fact, when he looked at Herder, he noticed that he was looking sad and guilty.

"This portal doesn't bring good memories for me," Herder told Gameknight. 

"I know, Herder. Same here," Gameknight replied. "But please don't beat yourself up. You weren't completely making those choices; Herobrine was forcing you to do most of it. Don't think about what you did wrong in the past, think about how you'll fix it in the future."

"Thanks, Gameknight," Herder said, hugging Gameknight's legs. 

Stitcher walked up to the portal and lit it up. 

However, the second it lit up, four monsters came out of it. Even though Gameknight hadn't met any of them before, he knew that they were the new monster kings and queens. He was shocked that the skeleton ruler was a girl about his age. 

"Hello, Loser-that-is-a-Loser," Za-rek, the new zombie king growled. "It is great to finally meet you."

The Enderman king, Ignotus, laughed. "I adore the fact that you think that you will be able to save your precious Hunter. Even if you do, no matter what, you still belong to Herobrine."

"I belong to no one," Gameknight said. "Nobody owns me."

"We'll sssssee about that," Arachia hissed. "You are our Maker'sssssssss. You will come to him now, or will ssshhhhall make you."

"I'm going there anyway, glitch," Gameknight spat (glitch is like the 'b' word in Minecraft).

Arachia snapped her fangs at Gameknight. Atlantia drew her bow and pointed an arrow at Gameknight. The zombie king held out his sword at him. Ignotus put out his fist.

"Do not use that sort of language," Ignotus said. "And Arachia, really? We're trying to delay him!"

Arachia rolled all eight of her eyes.

Igntous walked up and grabbed Gameknight by his neck. "You belong to the Maker, whatever your thoughts are."

Gameknight struggled to breathe. 

"Ignotus, what are you doing?" Atlantia asked. "Herobrine wants him! Don't kill him!"

"I'm not going to kill him," Ignotus said calmly. "I just want to see how much he can take."

Gameknight's face was starting to turn purple. A tear slid down his cheek. Seeing this, Ignotus dropped him to the ground. He looked at Arachia and Atlantia and nodded. The two girls ran off. 

"Well, clearly you're stronger than I expected," Ignotus said. "I didn't think you would be able to hold it for that long."

Gameknight got up off the ground and stared Ignotus in the eye (forgetting that he was an Enderman). Ignotus punched him in the face. He punched back. 

Monet tried to pull her brother away from Ignotus. Stitcher, Digger, Crafter, and Herder helped. The only one who didn't help was Monkeypants.

"Game-knight-come-on!" Stitcher yelled, finally pulling hard enough to get him away from Ignotus. 

Then, Atlantia and Arachia ran back over.

"We did it!" they said.

"Good," Ignotus said. "Until we meet again, Gameknight999."

They all disappeared.

"What was THAT all about?" asked Stitcher.

Monkeypants looked up at the sky. "Oh my gosh."


"The sky. Look. An entire day's passed."

Gameknight gasped. They had sped up time. 

Now he only had a few hours to find Hunter. 


Sorry this chap was so short. My computer was gonna die and I couldn't find the charger and I wanted to get this published.

Hope you like the story!!!


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