GK Fandom...We've Been Lied To

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Yeah, I know this isn't a chapter, but I just discovered something really bad about the GK series that not a lot of people know. I promise, the next chapter will be up by tomorrow, but I need to rant about this.

So, have any of you read Marks' downloadable book 'The Virus'? It's basically a backstory of how Herobrine came into Minecraft and how the Great Zombie Invasion started. It's really interesting. You should read it. I don't know if you can get it anywhere other than somewhere you can download it, but I'll check.

So anyway, as the chapter title states, we have been lied to about who was actually the villain in that war. It turns out that the NPCS were the villains, not Herobrine.

My proof?

Here is the actual summary of the book from the Gameknight999 Wiki (yes, that exists). 

Originally, Herobrine was a virus zipping around freely on the Internet. For some reason, he was searching for Minecraft, and soon arrived on Crafter's Server. Suddenly, he was self-aware; Herobrine's software had combined with the server's and unintentionally caused The Awakening. Now, Herobrine wanted to help others and become part of a community. He ran into a village and met Smithy. Herobrine offered to help the villagers with their jobs, but they refused, stating that it wasn't his job to complete. Herobrine searched for some monsters and modified the zombies and skeletons, allowing them to go into the sunlight. He led some monsters into the village to try to collaborate with the villagers, but the NPCs took it as an attack and the monsters charged and a battle ensewed. Herobrine tried to stop the fighting but was met by Smithy, who thought Herobrine was evil and attacked him. This filled Herobrine with such rage that he left and sent his anger into the other monsters, causing them to hate all of the villagers. Herobrine then cried that if the villagers didn't want peace, he'd give them a war. He then chose his name, Herobrine, and the book ended.

What this basically shows is that we've been lied to since Trouble in Zombie-Town. All of us readers had been told that Herobrine brought the monsters into the village to attack the NPCs, but really, as of war, the NPCs actually made the first attack, triggering the monsters to fight back. And it actually says that Herobrine tried to stop the fighting. He wanted peace. But Smithy, who first gets introduced as a character in The Great Zombie Invasion, was having none of it. He actually attacked Herobrine first. And the reason that Herobrine wanted to destroy all the NPCs was because they tried to destroy him first. That's no way to stand up for yourself, but I can definitely see where he's coming from.

Since 2015, we've been told that Herobrine was a heartless monster who only cared about himself. We've been told that all he cared about was his goal to get rid of every NPC in Minecraft. 

That was all a lie. A huge lie. Sure, he wanted to do that, but the only reason he wanted to because the NPCs hurt him. They shut him out of their lives and attacked him. He only went after them to get revenge because they tried to kill him. 

And another thing- does Gameknight999 know about any of this?


You know why? Because when Smithy was explaining why Herobrine hated him so much, it was because Herobrine had brought monsters into his village and he tried to stop him. But the real reason was because Smithy had tried to kill him. Herobrine was completely defenseless. He didn't want any trouble with the NPCs. He just wanted a friend. But Smithy tried to hurt him. 

In conclusion?

Smithy and the NPCs are just as bad, if not worse, than Herobrine.

I don't know how to feel.



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