Chapter 3: Hunterbrine

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Ya, I know there are too many songs in this book. Geez. But this one srsly fit in this chap. Hope you enjoy!!!


Hunter took a deep intake of breath as Herobrine set her down on the floor. The second she hit the ground, she moved about five blocks away from him. He walked closer to her, but she was having none of it.

"Get away from me!" she shouted. "Leave me alone!"

Herobrine didn't answer. Instead, he just turned away from her and started messing with something in his lap. Hunter craned her neck, trying to see what he was doing. She was afraid to stand up. 

"If you want me to leave you alone, I will," Herobrine said, still not looking at Hunter. 

"Please do," Hunter replied.

Herobrine nodded and left the room.

Hunter sat by herself for a long time. It was getting pretty boring, in this dark and lonely cell. The only thing she could really do was stare mindlessly at the wall. She wondered if Gameknight999 was here. She wondered if he knew where she was. If he was, Stitcher would've told him that she was caught. 

Hunter looked at the clock that hung on the wall (since they were in the Nether, she had no way of telling what time it was). It was sunset. She WAS tired...she curled up on the floor of the cell and fell asleep.

While Hunter was sleeping, Herobrine was working in his lab. He had figured out how to create items from the physical world. He was going to send a message to the User-that-is-not-a-User. And yes, Herobrine knew that Gameknight had arrived. He could sense it through the fabric of Minecraft. 

Herobrine took a step back to admire the new device he made. It was a special invention that allowed him to speak into other's minds through Minecraft. 

He pressed a few buttons on it and then said, "Why, hello, Gameknight999."

He heard Gameknight's thoughts come back through the machine- Herobrine? 

"Yes, it's me," Herobrine said. "What a pleasure to see you here."

How are you talking to me? 

"Never mind that," he replied. "By the way, I have someone here in my Nether castle who misses you."

Hunter! Let her go!

"No," Herobrine said. "You see, your little girlfriend is going to be staying in my castle forever. Even if you come to rescue her, by the time you arrive, it will be too late. Hunter will be mine."

What do you mean, she'll be yours?

"Oh, you'll find out soon enough." Herobrine was glad Gameknight couldn't see him; he was blushing so badly.

You better not mean what I think you mean.

"What do you think I mean?"

You know. 

"Oh, that?! Are you freaking nuts?" Actually, that was a pretty good idea. He'd have to get into the physical world to do it though... "Maybe," Herobrine said. "Maybe."

Oh, no no no no. The thoughts almost sounded like they were cracking in fear and disbelief. I'm not gonna let you do that. 

"Well, why don't you get your butt over here and stop me, if you think you're such a hotshot?!" Herobrine said angrily.

I'm heading this way now. And I've got my dad and sister with me.

"Ha, the User-that-is-not-a-User thinks I give a care that his 'army' is a couple of NPCs and two noobs."

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